
I was at the Simeone on the 12th and the DBR1 was still sitting there, is it really the Simeone DBR1?

I think Farrah is ok. The real question is why Rob Spagetti has any followers.

I will always spend money on wipers. My car is nearly 6 years old and has 105,000 miles, I have replaced the wipers twice, I am sure I saved money on replacing the cheap blades twice a year.

A Tesla has a sloped roof above the cargo area and a higher cargo floor. It is an electric version of the Coupe Utility Vehicles the Germans have been making.

A minivan is supposed to be practical. The sloped rear end is not minivan

It is a Jeep GC with a third row.

It is a stretched Jeep underneath and the writers here fucking love Jeeps.

Yes, and it is a one way road, and there are rules that you must obey, such as no passing on the right, and areas with strict speed limits. There are plenty of videos on YouTube of people acting a fool on the ‘Ring. When I was there, there was probably a crash every 30 minutes.

Fun Fact: The Wells Fargo building shown in the article’s picture was used for outside shots of Duke & Duke in the movie Trading Places. Who was more corrupt?

“Childrens Museum Noise” Is that what it says? WTF

I had my Miata out on a beautiful Sunday evening this past weekend. Perfect convertible weather, and I was following another Miata that seemed to also be out for a nice drive, but with the top up. When I got close at a stop sign I saw the licence plate said something like “RUKIDNME” and I starting yelling “Are you

In my Miata going 45-50 in a light rain.

Either it was raining hard or you weren’t going fast enough. I used this trick over the weekend and didn’t get wet.

$400+ per square foot for rent? So you are telling me a small 420 square foot apartment is $168,000 a month? Even if you make $120k a year, you would need like 40 people to split that apartment to make rent.

That might help with the fuel pump. But the door opening is small, and crawling under the dash with the roof is still tough. Mazda got it right with the Retractable Fastback ND. I wouldn’t mind a removable fastback hardtop for my NA, but they are pricey and often not made for the street.

As much as I like the look of the NA coupe concept and the Japan only NB Coupe, I would regret buying one if it was available. Working inside my Miata with the top up sucks. Like getting to the fuel pump, removing the seats and working under the dash would suck with the coupe.

You should feel awful about yourself. I am only giving you a star because you don’t want one.

You sound like you would put a “Bora” badge on a MKIV Jetta.

the 85-92 was called Cabriolet, the Rabbit name was dropped.

The Rabbit name was not used in 1988. In 1988 it would be the MKII Golf. But in an earlier article about this, it looked like a MKI, so it could be a 1988 Cabriolet? Or if it isn’t a 1988, then it is a 1975-1984 Rabbit.