I think the solution for all of Mazda’s problems is to take over the International Race of Champions and just have 50 of the best drivers pilot ND Global Cup Race Miatas around Laguna Seca for 25 laps. I think it would be the most entertaining race ever. Miatas three wide in the corkscrew, evenly matched cars, great…
But wouldn’t a State Park be a park and not a “park?”
Putting “No judgement on the man” in doesn’t make it sound like you are not passing judgement on the man by saying “but let’s just say his residence had wheels and was located in a “park.””
Best: 2012 VW GTI
What is a Ferrari F60?
This makes sense. I noticed that this article had a disappointing lack of murder. This can be the only explanation. So, Cargo erm... I mean Mr. Regular... did you get the air out of your brake lines?
My friend’s 03 Spec V would chirp third
Sure, why not? UK police don’t carry guns, no risk.
I keep an eye out for these drivers and avoid them:
Fast & Loud has gotten more gimmicky as they have become more popular, but it is still my favorite mindless reality show. Counting Cars and Graveyard Cars is the worst. The owner of Graveyard cars comes off insufferable, like a mean Michael Scott. Their Challengers do come out looking nice though.
It is both. Commercial has right of way, but also speed is limited due to track conditions and turns in a lot of places. I have only seen an Acela full out once, and that is by New Brunswick NJ. Other wise they go normal train speeds.
Acela on the Northeast Corridor is a joke, it can only go fast for short stretches because the rails are inadequate. A regular Amtrak isn’t much slower and is much cheaper. We need a hyperloop connecting DC, Philly, NYC and Boston, or at least a new rail system and bullet train.
You are only buying a car to only have for a year? Don’t get anything, wait a year until graduation, get something new then, save the rest for a house.
04-05 STIs still turn my head, good looking car
Plain is good. Lexus will look very dated in a few years. Meanwhile plain cars like the e39 5 series, e46 3 series, b5 S4, MKIV Jetta/Golf, still look good.
So you have to install a PCM that comes with the car to use this? I’m guessing at the very least it is not street legal, or even better your warranty isn’t covered while using it.
The Safelite guy keeps driving by (third time in 5 min), he will probably put a windshield on it so the can ticket it,
Flemington Circle?