
Not only to people not know how to use roundabouts, they also do not know how to design them in the USA. The one below is the worst, I hate this roundabout, and try to avoid it as much as possible as I almost get in an accident about half the time. It is two lanes around the whole roundabout. The people entering in

I was looking at a Toyota 86, get it with the optional TRD wheels, then I realized that heated seats are not an option. So then I looked at the BRZ which has heated seats, but the performance pack is too tempting and then it is a $30k+ car, and the interior isn’t as nice as the Toyotas...

Financing and lease deals are much better with Honda or Toyota.

Video games kill cars.

“each owner can GPS locate their own car in case they forgot where to park it.”

The Germans were just upset about all the factories of theirs that we “tore down”

You know that feeling you had as a kid when you saw the Countach, or Testarossa (insert favorite childhood poster car here)? That is the feeling I just got looking at this. It is perfect. I would say this car is now my third favorite car of all time, just behind the McLaren F1 and Miura. Countach just got bumped to

A few years ago I thought about buying a 308 when they were still around $30k, everyone told me not to as they were slow and not a real Ferrari. Now they are worth twice what they were, or more, and I wish I would have bought one to enjoy and then sell for profit.

I painted my drums black. Sorry

My Miata has tow hooks because the PO used to do track days at Lime Rock and others.

WTF, I would consider the S5 in manual. I’m bummed BMW doesn’t offer the 435i grand coupe in manual either. it’s sportier than a 3 series but they watered the transmission down.

Undercover cars are abused. They are needed for some things but my local PD only uses their “ghost cars” (black explorers with dark grey “police” down the side) to patrol. They park around town and wait for people to roll a stop sign. They will use marked Tahoes to respond to calls, but the ghost cars are just to

It is not just my personal experience, just fact. Philly has two highways, and I-95 isn’t much better.

Honestly I don’t think LA traffic is that bad. I mean there is a ton of traffic but it generally keeps creeping a long. It feels worse since everything is so spread out and it takes forever to get anywhere.

I remember there being a few interesting cars in that scene, I can’t remember what, I think a few old Datsuns and something else. I was going to get up and walk out of the theater if they jumped on those. If you kept an eye on the cars (I was watching these cars and not the dancing) they did not jump on them. Also,

All the problems and maintenance costs of a German luxury car with the Japanese luxury car image, or lack there of. Worst of both worlds.

I feel like I am 10 years too young. e30 M3, NSX, Elise, 911 Carerra 3.2, etc would be obtainable at where I am at in my life now.

An old Volvo. Slow, cheap, safe. That’s what you get as a new driver. That or a bicycle.

I think people are starting to realize that these aren’t going to appreciate like a 1M and are starting to unload their low mileage cars to minimize their loss. The only reason to pay $50k or more for one of these is if it is an investment car. But as an enthusiast buyer I would be in a used M2 or F80 M3 at those

The Focus RS bubble is popping. There are a few dealers asking 10-30k over MSRP, but most are asking MSRP. I found a 2016 with 7k miles, RS2 package, forged/cup 2 wheel/tire package as well as the winter wheel/tire package for $38k. Soon there will be base model RSs for $30k