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I’m not going to write you a memo. You can do your own research or remain ignorant, your choice.

You do that and you just invite Republicans to add 4 more justices when they take over in 2020 and 2024, while obviously destroying the legitimacy of the courts. I doubt Democrats will invite an actual Constitutional crisis (not the pretend ones that people talk about with every president), but if fantasizing about

This is a really fucking stupid comment. First of all, if you think the politicization of the courts and this ultimate step lays at the feet of either party, you are very ignorant or just a naive partisan fool. Secondly, Gorsuch had nothing to do with the decision of Senate Republicans to refuse to consider Garland.

1. Generalizations and profiles work in opposite directions. He’s Muslim so he is probably a terrorist vs. he’s a terrorist so he is probably a Muslim. If you don’t understand the difference that is on you.

I mean yes, it is a PR nightmare, and even if the physical force was legal, you have to make sure it is truly a last resort. That being said, eventually a grown man throwing a temper tantrum needs to be removed from the plane. All those other passengers whining on the plane, and I didn’t hear one offer to take his

That’s a lot of questions.

I’m not making a generalization about anyone, I’m profiling.

No he is irredeemably white and therefore evil. Get with the program you fucking racist!

Yes, we don’t know, which is why all the hand-wringing about his patients is pretty silly. One thing is for sure, tweak these facts and the presentation just a little bit and all these internet heros would be calling for Mr. Doctor to be banned from flying for life and maybe sent to Guantanamo.  

Because I understand reality isn’t some pie in the sky fantasy, and the upshot of not bumping passengers is fares costing at least 10% more, a huge drain on the economy and detriment to middle-class travel budgets. In other words I see the forest, not just the trees.

Well there were people assuming the terrorist attack in Sweden was a prank gone horribly wrong, so yours wouldn’t be the worst assumption (note: it’s also the assumption I made, and if we are wrong, no one is going to be hurt for it).

“Unlawfully” is the key word there. This is lawful and actually refusing to leave is illegal. He should be in jail.

I used to do work for Delta and have lots of friends and family in the industry at different levels. By no means do I “like” airlines (whatever it means to like a corporation), but the majority of people here are completely ignorant of the law and also how airlines operate. If you want to celebrate your mutual

Because the flight crew, as agents of United, asked him to leave their plane. If you are asked to leave somewhere by the owner or an agent of the owner and don’t, you are a trespasser.

“The fact that bad shit can happen to anyone makes it smart to go looking for it!”

Yes, it does. He was/maybe still is eligible for compensation for being bumped. If you simply don’t understand the concept of trespass I can’t help you. Maybe start with Wikipedia.

But judges are less likely to be whimsical and make knee-jerk emotional decisions. That makes you a shitty judge with zero respect from your peers (what judges want).

In that case, he is a really irresponsible doctor. This is why for important shit you give yourself a day as a buffer. He could have just as easily and more likely been on a flight that got cancelled. This bilking of the doctor angle is just people (reasonably) having ill feelings about airlines. That’s fine, but

Do some googling buddy, I’m not your legal counsel. is a good place to start, w/r/t bumping passengers involuntarily. It is absolutely allowed as long as it is fair (nothing more fair than picking people at random).