
sweet good to know, thanks for the info

ps I also said a red it a while back. Maybe 15 years is a while back in my head, but who am I, My brain still sometimes instantaneously thinks pentium 4 processors are the fastest...

ps i also did not say when i red it:). It was in a bmw magaine, but it might have been 15 years back, who knows, my brain works in mysterious ways, not to say it sometimes does not work at all :)

yes but is this also the case in the usa?

yes but do you live in the usa and is it a car sold in the usa(not imported by 3rd party). I know my bmw flashes the brake lights when abs is kicking in and when i come to a complete stop it automaticly turns the hazards on, but is this also the case in the usa?

the myriad of auto engineers audi supplied made sure of that. You can easily program these cars to do anything. Maybe they even just programmed the front differential(if it's electronic) to just disconnect

they had to include it in P.M. because there was no dealership or garage to be found that would work on french cars, so people had to do their own repairs:) Just kidding, kinda

I think i red somewhere that bmw was thinking of implementing or at least testing this very same idea of yours, but that us regulations wouldn't allow it...

You might have a point there, but most batteries for electronic devices are rated for about 500-1000x full cycles (so if you use your laptop till it's 50% and reload it, it would count as 0.5 of a cycle) before they begin loosing capacity. Your solution would mean my 5 year old laptop's battery would be perfect once

Very true, but I am guessing since he is considered for "world's best dad award" he can manage it :) I understand you are not going to watch your kid every second of the day, but when he is sitting on/controlling an 18HP machine, you are going to watch him without blinking (that is what I would do at least, but not a

well yeah, the idea is that you keep a super watchful eye on him while he uses it. Same if your kid is swimming. You don't just go, "Well, the kid is in the pool I guess I'll read a book now" but you go "How long has he been underwater, was it 2 or 3 seconds... 4 seconds is waay too long damnit,*jumps in*" x 50 timer

I want it myself, is that wrong?

Hi, as somebody who lives in the path of an airport(I have never submitted a complaint, nor am i annoyed by it, it is just a part of life + I use the airport myself and am happy it is close by) I can attest to your statement, BUT, my house was built by my grandfather 60 years ago, when airport traffic was waaaaaay

yes,(i use the vpn route), but my point is that iplayer (and pandora,etc.) are stupid content delivery systems made by(or at least designed/restricted by) people who do not understand the internet. And thus, piracy is born/promoted with these systems. The fact is that Iplayer was designed to block users, so I do not

NOOOO not Iplayer, what you basically said was, just release it for the uk fans, let the rest of the world never see it.(the rest of the world gets a fun message in the lines of "We see you are not in the UK, we do not recognize the internet is a global thing and so, we will not play the video for you, please go

hold on, the peugeot 108 is an awesome car ... sorry couldn't keep a straight face even when I typed it.

The question here is, where do you live in the usa? We tend to see the usa as one big country, but there are major differences between alaska and new york. I would never carry a gun in New york. Bear attacks are quite uncommon and Police is fast at the scene. If i lived in the middle of nowhere where the first police

Maybe it's just me, but i feel the need to punch somebody who says gluten free anything. Either if they ask for it or if I receive bread and they proudly say it is gluten free. So what? maybe it's important for the 0.001% of the world population who is actually allergic to gluten(number came out of my ass, but to lazy

My bmw from 2004 with usb/ipod connectivity still connects fine with my iphone from last year. That's a 10 year timeframe already (and long after my ipod has seen any use) and I do not see it breaking anytime soon(although i did need to purchase a new cable for the lighting port). I must admit, my ipod then could only

I can understand you want to bring this to the attention of the site administrators. But isn't requesting a donation a bit of overreach. I mean, I understand it is a word with lots of connotations to say the least. But if the captcha said "fill in any insulting word here" I would be offended, but I would not request a