And men. You ignore the men that call you out on your obtuse comments.
And men. You ignore the men that call you out on your obtuse comments.
Sure, kid. Whatever you say.
Troll, you troll badly.
Bad-ass swamp kid. I'm impressed.
Honestly, "snitches get stitches" is one if the more ridiculously juvenile concepts out there.
Baby-troll, you troll badly.
Am I really the only person on social media who knew this would or could happen?
As a Facebook user, I did sign up for this.
uh, you do know whom she's talking about, right?
oh, that's always a favorite.
me too
If you're going to troll, you should at least try to be good at it. Seriously, don't be half-assed about it.
I just choked on my water in laughter because I thought you were actually going to be a serious commenter until you went and called someone a fatty for bringing up a valid counterpoint, and then I realized that you're just another amateur troll.
But didn't you just now answer your own questions right then?
Oh, lawd. A hefty case of projection.
Sanctimommy or Sanctidaddy? It's an easy question.
You're an idiot if you think you can speak for all of us. Yes, us.
Stinky shoes, anyone? Should I attempt to wipe down with a vinegar soaked cloth?
I'm trying to figure out what you think this guy actually did.
We all start off as a "female template," sort of.