You're my kind of gal. I go and buy cheap candy every year on the day after.
You're my kind of gal. I go and buy cheap candy every year on the day after.
That's the whole reason she is famous. She was (supposedly) 16 when she married Doug Hutcheson.
Cold and wet? Like a watermelon?!
Prolonged adult adolescence? I am sorry that you are so bitter.
I bet fame is like Pandora's Box. Once it happens, there's just no going back. Even if people around her "allowed" it technically, she would always be THE Britney Spears, never living a normal life.
You know, it has to be EXHAUSTING to be Britney Spears.
Yes, that is absolutely the most practical reason that he would be doing it.
Jumanji in Alaska too. A cat, an eagle and a fox.
If Ke$ha is her idol, then that explains a lot.
Nope, though he did get sick once and Corey worried he would die.
Gross. He's the kind of ugly that he can't change.
I always think these studies are funny because, at the same time, there are other studies that say we don't get nearly enough sleep.
The answer "Fuck no" doesn't even begin to cover it.
I'm pretty sure you don't own the definition.
Maybe, but you'd be surprised.
Good lord. The kid is 5. She's not parenting herself. She's reacting to her environment.
Oh, no. It's an action too. There are kids that are whipped until they literally shit—-and pee. Sometimes they even bleed.
Yeah, I have Ds and I only free-boob a little while after work. I don't know if being topless in public is for me.
I agree.