
“She’s really fucking busy” = “We didn’t even try because we can’t fucking afford her.”

Is anyone else surprised by how late to the plate Jez is with this story? I’m not hating on Stassa, but wondering when the shift happened. Jez used to be the first always.

Studio doesn't want to spend money making a black actor look white (as Jackson did at that time).

I think you’re likely right. First generation immigrants are less likely to vote if they come from a society where voting isn’t prioritized or where corruption is much more common.

To be fair, if I were putting my baby up for adoption, religion might very well play a part in my decision, especially if it was someone like the Duggars.

Oh, I see. That’s how it gets all messy. Stand by my initial comment though. Religion shouldn’t (yeah of course it does) make a difference.

I feel the same way! We had always wanted to adopt a little girl from China, as we have both lived there and Mr. BallofStress is practically fluent, but we don’t past muster. Also, being atheist/Hindu doesn’t help in many, many regions.... <3

She can read while enough to pass an English state exam but she can’t read an analog clock. To be honest, I know a number of kids who don’t have disabilities who can’t read analog clocks.

As someone who is physically disabled by a genetic condition that makes it IMO unethical for me to knowingly risk passing it on to a child (I had a daughter before I was diagnosed/had any clue), I find this to be just another extension of what I have faced in terms of wanting to adopt. My health precludes me,

Can we go with average-sized instead? All bodies are normal bodies, unless we’re perhaps talking about medical literature.

Brit here— I’ve only ever seen or heard it referred to as Economy Class (except for by americans).

I’ve been downgraded after being upgraded due to loyalty status with the airline but if I paid for the First Class cabin I would be pissed if I was given an ultimatum by a gate agent. In an industry that resembles a circus, American Airlines is the most-tenured clown. They are a total shit show

You know what franchise I’ve always wanted to see with a girl lead? Indiana Jones. She could be one of the (probably hundreds) of illegitimate children he had over the course of his life!

Totally. My son had some weird formula after I stopped pumping— it was free of everything, like some sort of hypo-allergenic stuff because of his silent reflux (ask me about what a good time his first few months were!). And now there’s organic. Almond milk says right on the label not to be used as infant food or

I was team aiden too...but in the way that I was glad he got away from Carrie, she’s a monster! The screams, the flaky attitude to everything, how she’s hurt when Big’s wife snubs her after she had an affair with him, when she expects everyone to bail her out of her money problems because she spends thousands of

Also siding with Aidan. I didn’t mind if Carrie wound up with someone - the truth always was that she wanted to. The character had no desire to be The Single Girl for her entire life, no matter whether or not that’s what Star originally had in mind.

My sister had a vanishing twin! It was pretty common knowledge in the family and was occasionally talked about but my mother somehow completely forgot to tell my sister, so she found out at the age of 17 completely by accident when my mother and I were cracking a jokeat her expense about her eating her twin in the

Theory: Facebook makes you angry. The republican grandmas I know are on facebook 24/7 and they’re all sharing propaganda with each other. know how you used to get like one conservative chain email a weeks from them? Now they do like 10 a day in the form of fb posts.

What a terrible shoot. They all look stupid and the clothes look stupid too. Also, stupid pseudonym.

OK, that’s a little less bonkers than the, like, Imperial office-wear I was imagining.