
It's a very Chinese (and maybe other Asian cultures, too) thing to do! My grandmother thought it was absurd that kids in North America have dances at the elementary level. She thought prom was weird, too. I always thought it was an older generation thing, since most of the East Asian kids at my school went to prom

FORBID? Wow, that's pure cray. But were you guys given any sort of sex ed at all? I mean, do kids ummm...know HOW babies are made (I mean, they should know where they come from biologically, since that's covered in science classes earlier on, but it's the HOW part...I was surprised how clueless some of the East

Damn contracts! Should have said $926.20 plus a percentage of profits or something like that (in other words, she'd be guaranteed the $926.20 regardless of how well the movie does). Also, how much is an unknown voice actor usually paid?

Less fabric? Because they want clothes to look like they're on hangers?

For me and people I know, to get one's H&M size, you add one to the "mainstream" size from brands like Nanette Lepore or Michael Michael Kors. So if you're a six there, you're an eight at H&M. But it might be a proportion thing.

There are people of all heights at the Whole Foods I go to. But I live in Toronto.

Don't bother. Most American writers/media people of non-Asian descent will never remember and are very American-centric. In other words, they don't realize that there are other real cultures abroad. Not even European ones.

Then don't buy pods if you have young children. It's not like pods are the only kind of laundry detergent that exists. Besides, who's to say that kids aren't going to eat the powder kind or drink liquid by accident?

Sure! :)

Too bad you couldn't join NCL because your mom had to be available to go with you at 4 PM! Don't know what city you're in, but Junior League is in many cities across North America. And it's for adults (minimum age ranges from 18 to 25), despite its name. I think it's "junior" because the woman who started the

Tennis clubs often have men's leagues, women's leagues AND mixed leagues. Would you have issues with said club having the guys only team?

I assume your friend's fathers group exists because, well, there aren't many resources for stay-at-home dads. Most focus on moms and SAHD issues are not exactly the same as a mom's (e.g. what do to if guys' bathrooms don't have change tables (I don't think that's legal anymore in most places, right?)) and dad-only

Well, one could argue that the professional women in science organization you belong to allows you to seek mentors that you might not find elsewhere because your profession is more male-dominated. But yeah, I'm with you on the people have the right to have their own private spaces, regardless of background (gender,

Weird video. She's giving me a Katy Perry sort of vibe with a little bit of Miley (but only because of the twerking).

I have a cousin who drank a couple of (quite big) sips of his dad's beer when he was about two or three while my uncle wasn't looking. He's now (close to) six feet tall and a doctor. I guess a couple of gulps of beer isn't exactly an entire drink.

I come from a long history of female-only organizations, from Brownies/Girl Guides as a little kid to my girls-only high school to living in a women-only residence as an undergrad and now, the Junior League, and to be quite honest, I've never complained about not being able to go to, say, neighbouring boys' school

Wasn't the other nurse who got sick engaged as well? Did they have to destroy all HER stuff?

I was at a Sephora store yesterday and it was PACKED. I didn't realize that there was a sale event until I saw the bags - I thought people were just there because they wanted to make a pit stop after the Alexander Wang x H&M event. As for people being locked out due to so-called TOS violations, are they even able to

Is it just me or does catcalling happen more in certain parts of cities? Save for the one or two times someone (always from the same black man handing out cultural history booklets) made a comment to my husband about me being his "exotic wife" (I'm East Asian), the worse I get are construction guys winking at me.

Or people pretending that they don't notice you - I've had this happen a few times. The woman "apologized" by saying that I was "too tiny" for her to notice. She was 5'6" MAX and I'm around 5'2". Sorry, lady, but it's not like you're 6'6".