
I have. And most sites also say that mothers likely have to supplement with formula because it's unlikely they'll make enough milk for the child to be on breast milk exclusively.

Well, implying that all moms should breast feed does imply that adoptive moms don't "matter" since they can't breast feed (without a lot of hormone pills and a "hospital grade" breast pump, anyway. NOT GOING THERE). Also, there are still some cultures where blood relations matter A LOT. An acquaintance of mine told

Dear Breast Feeding Brigade:

THIS! And the breast feeding brigade only puts MORE social stigma on adoption.

You know what? Some people care, some people don't. If you don't care, don't read the article. End of story.

Frozen veggies? Canned? Are those way more expensive too (I'm sorry, I live in Toronto, so I might be spoiled/ignorant about the north. North to me is cottage country)? I keep a few bags in the freezer to use when I'm too lazy to use fresh ones (I personally like Cookin' Greens - they have kale and rapini as well

Wouldn't you have been able to grow your own food? I'm not from rural Canada (suburban Toronto, originally. Now a downtown girl), but we had a small garden in our backyard. We grew chives and melons.

I consider myself fairly "exposed" even as a child. I learned how to use chopsticks as well as western cutlery around the same time and knew how to hold both properly by the time I was five. However, all I knew were standard forks and knives (and chopsticks). These kids are seven and are using a fish knife (though

I liked Tina's cover, but Amy's looks more like a joke. A bad one. #sorrynotafan.

Jennifer HAS made her point (ditto with the media). Time to move on.

But Karen wasn't a sitter (and she's a stepsib). If you include Karen, you have to include all of Mallory's siblings. And maybe Charlotte Johanssen (all I remember about her was that her mom was a doctor and maybe divorced?).

I'm still kind of old fashioned! I don't believe in purple/green/blue hair or multiple piercings, visible tattoos, etc...nor would I ever wear "shower curtain earrings." Anyway, I had trouble finding a husband, that's what! And I stopped the grace/church thing because I met my now husband who is of a different

Wow...just wow regarding Stephen Collins. Really scary. I have to admit that 7th Heaven was a bit of an addiction for me for a few years. It was during the latter part of my "I want to be the most 'traditional' woman one can be in the 21st century" phase. You know, go to university for an MRS, "marry well" and

But without the longer commute that one would have if they lived in Westchester. Stroller parking and stroller-friendly businesses are a good thing.

Did you see the other videos? There was a video featuring two young women who are cousins and of East Asian descent. One girl is hearing and the other is deaf and they talked about how their relationship is more like sisters than cousins. There was also a mixed ethnicity straight couple (wife is Chinese, husband is

Well, it costs money to have a home study done and perhaps lawyer fees. But it's not nearly as pricey as international. Not even CLOSE.

Do we know for sure they live in Quebec? Sure, they have Quebecois accents, but they technically could live in any province. However, their daughter was 4 months at the time of adoption, which pretty much means that it was a public adoption. Unless it's a relative adoption, I'd say that 99.99999% of all private

The ad brought tears to my eyes....what an adorable family!

Brother husbands!!

What's Ms. Hernandez's background (as in upbringing, etc...)? I wonder if there's a difference between a non-white person with an Anglo-ish, upper-middle class upbringing vs. more "immigrant"/old culture. I actually have to say that I've heard more un-PC/borderline insulting comments from "minority" white men and