
We had uniforms at my school (you can see what we wore here:, but we girls still found "creative" ways to violate the code. We often left our shirts untucked (which is probably why the current uniform has a shorter, untucked shirt (as you can see from the website). When I was in Grade 12 (I

But what if being culturally sensitive and being (too) race-aware is actually a form of bias? Often, people who go through sensitivity training are taught to accommodate cultures (e.g. not giving clocks to Chinese because they see it as a symbol of death or throwing a pregnant Chinese or Jewish woman a baby shower

I don't know about Anne, but when I was an undergrad, some English prof at another school caused a little bit of a stir by saying that DIANA was a lesbian (though I don't think she sand anything about Anne). This was around 2000.

Right, but she's being presented as a professional dancer. If she dances for fun, fine. But most people who go on about dancing since they were little kids are usually doing it for more than just "fun." And yeah, the girl is...stiff.

Umm, that's why they aren't usually called OUTLETS but FACTORY STORES. OUTLET usually means off season. FACTORY STORE just means cheapo.

I wouldn't be too worried about her political views. When I was her age, I was very pro-traditional family values, probably anti-abortion and openly said that I was only going to university so I have the right package to eventually be an upper middle class wife (because upper middle class men don't marry women

Who isn't dorky looking AND speaks English (i.e. American and not a K-drama hunk).

My Fair Lady is NOT an updated version of Pygmalion. It takes place in the exact same period as the play. It is Pygmalion, musicalized. #saysthisdramamajor

Who says Asians from a specific ethnic group have to look like they're from that ethnic group? I'm Chinese and am mistaken as Filipina ALL THE FREAKING TIME. By people of Philippine descent (don't know why). I'm also asked if I'm Vietnamese, Malay and Thai. One woman didn't believe me when I told her that I was

But they certainly don't look WASP either. And the kid in the far left with the brownish hair - I've seen some full Asian kids with hair like that. It usually turns blacker as they get older though brownish highlights might still show under certain lighting (like my hair). I think the only actor who looks a bit

By the way, not sure if others have mentioned this, but it's interesting that it's ABC picking up the new show, Fresh off the Boat. ABC aired the last Asian sitcom 10 years ago, All American Girl. ABC is also an acronym for American Born Chinese (we Canucks use CBC and I've heard British people use BBC).

Yeah, he has that "look" - you know, handsome in a naturally preppy sort of way.

I'm a little worried that Fresh off the Boat would be filled with FOB/ABC jokes and it would become boring really quickly. I mean, just look at My Big Fat Greek Life and how long THAT lasted.

I heard that John Cho has a new sitcom out called Selfie, based on My Fair Lady/Pygmalion, where he plays a Henry Higgins

That's a good idea, but it's not how it works, unfortunately.

I don't know. Isn't this a what's past is past sort of thing? Didn't the Junior League of Boston refuse membership to Rose Kennedy back in in the day (it's something I've heard, but I'm not sure if it is true)? Would you criticize a non-WASP woman for joining today because the JLB (or any Junior League) said no to

Act professionally or act, period? I mean, what if they want to audition for a school play?

Freshii offers mostly salads, wraps and bowls. Some items on the menu are pretty high in sodium, though (but you can always create your own items from a list. I usually get kale, toss in a ton of other veggies and maybe a bit of quinoa and chickpeas, with balsamic and EVOO on the side. If I don't feel like a salad,

I assume you mean that schools in other provinces don't play O Canada every morning? Because not standing during O Canada (unless you have a disability or religious reason) is disrespectful, IMHO.

Depends on the religious playgroup, then. I doubt the church closest to my house will care either. It's Anglican and definitely LGBT-friendly.

First: Don't send a boy who likes to wear dresses and traditionally "girl" clothes to a religious playgroup. I doubt it's the only one in the area.