
I also think the sweetness counterbalanced the creepy in your case, but if she had expressed discomfort rather than flattery, would you have apologized and backed off? The guy in this story obviously didn't. He just used her discomfort to further manipulate her.

I have to disagree that this was just a couple of kids engaging. At first, yes, but when he started to control her, to affect her ability to engage with others, to control the way she was able to use the internet and messaging, the power dynamic shifted and they were no longer equal parties. There is a difference

I'm so sorry to hear about this story. I hope you realize that you did NOTHING wrong, and whether you flirted or engaged in conversation, whether you felt you were new to the internet, whatever, this is ALL on this guy and could have happened to anyone. It's creepy and manipulative and controlling and awful. And it's

sort of. Santa Claus is Coming To Town was included in a "scariest" bracket, but this Bieber video is the one they used for the poll, which no doubt contributed to it winning 72% of the vote.

It's because at this point, the competitive shopping is so ingrained, they don't NEED a "hot toy"

I'm so sorry to hear that! it's THE WORST.

Last Christmas is the worst thing for anyone who has ever dumped or been dumped anytime near the holidays. Every time I hear it, I imagine that one stupid kid sulking through the festivities over some girl who never knew he existed in the first place. CHRISTMAS IS FOR FAMILY, NOT FOR YOUR INANE TWEENAGE DRAMA, now

ah, sorry, didn't know you'd already seen it. I agree that it's important to recognize current interpretations when we look at pop culture like this, but the original sentiment shouldn't be tossed away, either. for example, the recent story where a teacher changed the words to "Deck the Halls" from "don we now our gay

someone posted a link to an article (from "listening while feminist" or something?) that broke down why the song was not about rape, and how the center argument on "say, what's in this drink?" is flawed because of the use of the phrase at the time. (it could still be argued that line is no longer acceptable, since in

considering that I heard two republican voters announce today that they just weren't going to vote for anyone because all of "their" candidates suck so much (seriously, the way this country chooses sides in politics like they're goddamn football teams astounds me) this doesn't surprise me either.

it's the same as these groups calling themselves "pro-life" - no one is "anti-life", but "anti-choice" in the face of "pro-choice" wasn't as effective with the focus groups.

I agree with you. I can't STAND hearing everyone go on and on about her age as if that is the deciding factor. For another woman, it may not be, but for her, for her body, according to her medical professionals, it is a factor. But to slap a reproductive expiration date on women is a ridiculous sentiment.

what you're saying makes me think of Nadya Suleman. she's been made the butt of a joke over her reproductive choices - I admit I even had to look up her name to avoid calling her "Octomom"

ugh hearing about all these pet losses is heartbreaking. I honestly don't know what I would do without my cat. growing up, I pretty much always had pets. two stuck around the longest amidst a number of shorter-lived cats/dogs/hamsters/mice (we lived on an unfortunately busy road, and our cats growing up were

my main childhood dog was a huge shep-lab mix that lived to be 12 or 13, I think. and he was big. like there's a picture of him jumping straight up (so his toes are just touch ground, looks like he's standing) next to me and he's "taller" than I am in the photo (about 5'4")

never fear! it is on the list, check the bracket! that song is SO bad it doesn't even get a competitor this round. it just goes straight through to round 2

you guys, never fear! check the bracket! this song is SO bad it doesn't even get a competitor this round. it just goes straight through to round 2

I think she looks like a gentler Taylor Momsen.

Jez is painting this in a funny light. she isn't someone who opposes everything on the left. she and her family campaigned for Obama. she just didn't think that he had been living up to her expectations until she realized the healthcare reform did more than she knew about (because she only learned about this one part

agreed. also, we have plenty of homegrown terrorists (Timothy McVeigh? The Unabomber? People who attack women's healthcare centers and kill doctors? anyone?)