
I love these parents and the dad making the daughter make monster faces. My other favorite parents from this show have been the quaker family (seriously the most "normal" viewpoint on the whole thing, their child was so happy and well-adjusted, and come on I am totally chocolate bowling with my children. ok maybe not

Santa might not be allowed to say "Merry Christmas" in department stores, and panties are bunching.

I was hoping this was for naming your personal devices. my Incredible is named Dr. Beverly Crusher

you're right that she doesn't specify why she became disillusioned with his presidency, or (on re-reading) that it was even over the healthcare plan to begin with. in fact, she only states that it is because of this provision in the healthcare plan that she believes in Obama as a good president again. I guess I

Makes sense to me! But then I thought the kid in A Christmas Story really said "Fudge" and wondered what was so bad about it.

"It's just a shame that most people who are rabidly against enabling all Americans to have healthcare coverage won't have a change of heart unless they're put in a similarly horrible situation."

I was talking to a woman last night who now has two kids, and had a recent feeling that "I can't travel for the next few years" and it sunk her. She loves to travel. She told us that when they only had the one child, she and her husband took him with them to Hawaii and wherever else they wanted to go, and that they've

I feel like this would totally be my issue as well. If there exists a digital frame that I can just bluetooth my cell phone photos to, or something I could use one of those schnazzy EyeFi cards in my camera with, I would like to know about it.

"For reference, we have clear guidelines for any business who uses PayPal to accept donations." THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD REFERENCE THEM, PAYPAL. As in, point us specifically to the part where it states what you did is at all defendable. Put up a link. Post the article, line, WHATEVER. Just SAYING the guidelines exist and

I actually wouldn't mind a digital frame. My pictures rarely make it to the wall or a real frame because I just don't get them printed (I have a multitude of excuses, I assure you) and I feel like I might actually use a digital frame.

I don't have an iphone so I can't test this, but if "I'm lonely" brings up escort services, then "I have a mole" could certainly bring up a dermatologist.

which is the other reason I usually refrain from classifying my beliefs. I find I'm always wrong, and I just don't know enough about the different non-religions to decide, and it has never mattered enough to research them. I do enjoy finding out about each when they're suggested to me, because I find it all pretty

I have a really hard time not making that same judgement, or controlling that thought that says "you're religious? but you're so smart/normal!" but I know it's just as unfair.

I'm glad I googled "epicurean", because I immediately thought of Epicurious, the recipe app, and thought you were joking about worshipping food. the whole theory about atoms is pretty interesting!

if she had become friends with this neighbor there may have been an open conversation where it was natural for her to mention. or heck, maybe she felt she was in the position where the neighbor was misinformed about abortions and trusted her enough to say "well I've had one, and you know I'm not a bad person" - either

I sometimes classify myself as an atheist, because I just don't believe in god as "he" is described. My personal belief is that there is something inexplicable, a connection amongst us (people, animals, earth, the universe) that many religions have tried to explain or describe by ascribing human-like qualities. we're

as a non-religious person (I honestly don't even call myself an atheist, although that may be closest, since I don't believe in a separate divine being. I just have my own ideas that, while they tend to match up with bits and pieces from a variety of different religions, I find no benefit in labeling.) I feel like

meanwhile, as a proud Douglass College alum, I was supremely pissed when Rutgers University at large assimilated my little women's college (we're a "Campus College" "improvement" over the other colleges that were turned simply into campuses) and really heartbroken when my lady-only freshman dorm became co-ed.

I went to Douglass too! I loved my lady-only dorms (I didn't expect to, and was only mildly jealous of friends with co-ed dorms) - it was like adult girl scout camp!

if you're going to go with the biological imperative argument that men want to sex multiple women in order to spread their "seed", you're being hypocritical if you ignore the argument that women want to sex multiple men to have the greatest chance for strong and resilient offspring (either argument seems to place most