
I work from home and can attest that my cats sleep ALL. DAMN. DAY. I work mostly unimpeded (except the little one doesn’t take “no” for an answer when she wants to occupy my lap.) But after a certain point, like if I work late into the night, they’re all over me. Butt in face, perching on my shoulder, knocking shit

click the first link in the article itself ("interview") for the original story/explanation

time to fess up, I suppose... I gave in. I made the chicken. It was mediocre. And yes, now we are engaged.

when I was little, I would repeatedly request "blue fish" when my mom shopped at the fish market and was repeatedly disappointed that it was not, in fact, blue-fleshed.

Engagement sessions are actually really great for giving the couple and their photographer a chance to get to know/get used to one another. Most couples don't often frolic off on photo shoots and are not comfortable in front of a camera, so most of the photographers I know throw the session in whenever they get hired

I personally refused to have a wedding Pinterest board until he actually put a ring on it, but I don't fully begrudge people in committed relationships who see this kind of future building one... If they want to be overwhelmed by sparkly things and mason jars before they even start writing out a guest list, have at it.

I have many questions/issues, not in the least being my critiques of the film itself (because I'm a wedding cinematographer too, and I'm full of snark.)

1. I watched a good deal of this waiting for specifics about HOW he planned this based on her Pinterest. GIVE US SOME DANG EXAMPLES, MAN. I mean, I saw people holding

Can we include Killer Klowns from Outer Space? I mean, discovering the murderous clown aliens after thinking it was a romantic shooting star is one thing, discovering all your friends dead is another, but spending the rest of the date with your new girlfriend's jealous cop ex-boyfriend? I MEAN, REALLY.

I've been struggling with this, as we're in "impending engagement" territory and I know my dude will spend more than I'd like (but then, I make far less than he does, so even $100 is "more than I'd like" - still, I've expressed that I seriously DO NOT WANT TO KNOW whatever he spends.)

My first ever coupled Valentine's Day, freshman year of high school. I had only been dating my first boyfriend for 2 weeks, so despite the ridiculous extremes some friends were going to with their beaus, I figured it was NBD... until my then-boyfriend showed up with roses and a sappy card. I felt so bad. One of my

I embarrassed the hell out of myself my very first coupled Valentine's Day by assuming it wasn't gonna be "a thing" because my first boyfriend and I had only been dating 2 weeks at the time. Poor guy.


totally agree on both points, and yay Quebecois/Micmac ancestry! my great-x5 grandmother was Micmac and married a french-canadian.

You'll note it also manifests itself in really lengthy comments/ messages etc. haha! oh jeez, I really do see that, and this comment was APPARENTLY no exception!

guilty. my coworkers poke fun at me for it, asking me random questions to see if I know something about it. I think I literally blushed when I caught myself saying things like "it's also called an 'octothorpe'" when explaining the use of hashtags at a group lunch recently, and I giggle every time I have to explain a

my dad still uses a Razr. true story.

I am now actively looking for situations in which to use "SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE GOT A BAD CATTITUDE"

Dear Everyone: Your Automatic Flash Is Ruining Your Photos and My Video <-fixed it