
I went to a costume shop last week hoping to get excited for Halloween and get some ideas. Instead, I left depressed and disgusted. Nothing but sexyface and cleavage and $50+ skimpy pieces of thin fabric that won't last more than a night.

that's what I thought! take away the measuring tape, and take the name off the heart and packaging, and it's a pretty cute slinky Halloween dress (and offers more coverage than most costumes...which is pretty sad)

that's what I'm afraid of, even though that's stupid. (fyi "intimidating" is in quotes because that's what it is, a quote, not my opinion!) people had all sorts of weird reasons for disliking certain animals. I cannot wait until I can adopt my own big sweetie-face pit bull (another "intimidating-looking" type of dog,

black dogs and black cats are both notoriously hard to adopt out. I can see how black cats could be seen as bad luck by a superstitious person, but I've found them to have - in general - such distinct and eccentric personalities that I can't understand the dislike! I will never get why people don't adopt black dogs as

our dog is a mystery dog too. we adopted him while I worked at a shelter. he was about a year old, and based on how he came in and the way he acted, it seemed he'd basically been tied up in his yard and left alone. he's still terrible at socializing, probably having seen a lot of dogs and never being able to greet

my parents are both brunettes (dark brown). dad is paler, mom more olive-skinned. my brother and I are both gingers, me the pale as paper one and he's that mythical ginger-type that actually gets a tan. that combined with how young my mom is basically ensures that no one ever realizes we're even related, let alone

I doubt, if my Italian-Columbian bf and I ever had kids, that they would be ginger-babies, but I really wish they could be. I've joked about recruiting a ginger friend of ours to help propagate the mutation. I would also settle for my bff to marry a ginger man and have ginger babies so I could just pretend they're

I wonder what the demand is for eggs from ginger ladies. I've considered donating because, well, they give you quite a lot of money. and it helps people. my grandmother has basically forbade the idea because she says it's not my genetics to give away - it's hers and her mothers, etc. but I've often wondered if my red

I was told in college that I'd had abnormal cells, but the way in which whatever nurse or letter or whatever informed me, I went into a serious panic that I was going to get cancer for sure (I also have breast cancer on both sides of the family, so I'm basically a ticking time bomb.) It was an overreaction, but I had

personally, I find when shopping at the mall that the 10-16 (if the sizes go that high in a particular store, most stop at 12) are gone first. if the store doesn't carry higher than a 12, most of us ladies know that, and just don't bother shopping there for clothes (*cough*Urban Outfitters) so yeah, out of those

I think she really did herself a disservice drawing so much attention to her weightloss efforts, because whatever tabloids said, I thought she looked great even at larger sizes. In fact, in the before/after set above, I think she looks better shoulders-down in the left photo (but better shoulders-up in the right

omg I just physically gagged and got chills thinking about eating my own eye boogies. I know it's a dog and dogs don't really have those boundaries, but for some reason I related it to myself instead.

yeah it would be awesome if it's a TNR program. if they're neutering wild cats for adoptions, that makes me think other feral cats who are not safely adoptable may not be so lucky...

ah, thanks for the explanation. I haven't been able to root my phone, but tbh haven't tried too hard because I'm still pretty pleased with it.

if you go to the Offbeat Bride link there are more pictures. They look to be maybe calalillies (someone who knows more about flowers would have to chime in there) dyed green.

I don't get the Sense-hate. you can still root your phone (which, from what I'd understand you'd have to do to a blank-slate Android anyway to install anything similar, like a launcher or theme) and honestly, I really love it. it's a beautiful, functional UI with (for me, anyway) limited "extras" or bloat (ugh except

the shortcuts are a blessing. I love IKEA, and have become the designated tour guide anytime I go with someone else, because I had basically memorized my store's shortcuts...but now they changed everything, so I'm lost again. luckily, if you look up at the signs (as opposed to just following the natural path with the

yup, that clip is of Jeffrey S. Perry's Mr. Tumnus from 1988 - I was really surprised that slipped past!

aw, I thought that for a second, but then was overcome with the realization that it's going to be awful for whichever of you is still alive.