
this is exactly what I was thinking! it's probably my most well-remembered episode of X-Files. god, I loved that show.

when I worked at an animal shelter, there was a (probably) french mastiff who used to love to sit in my lap, but he didn't fit, so he never got comfortable. he just adjusted between having his front legs on me, and then his back, and then his front, and then his back. a huge ridiculous set of fake legs would be

sorry, no offense meant. the article here kind of skimmed over that fact, so I was just offering info. didn't realize I was being rude.

AGREED. I may be wrong, but I think these may come in glow-in-the-dark... []

mine does that too, and gets easily distracted if you try to cheer her on and then loses the target, but in fact I find little buggy legs all the time, and have caught her crunching on one at least once, so I'm sure she's doing her job, she just gets stage fright. and she's picky. she knows well enough to leave the

unfortunately, the glow is only under certain light, and it was only an addition to the FIV-fighting gene so they could see that the genetic splicing itself was successful, so they wouldn't have to add that in if it went to humans.

the gizmodo article has an additional picture that was more convincing for me, but I guess the empty eyes were decided to be less adorable? []

maybe? their eyes don't seem to glow, only nails/hair/fur. so the grossness wouldn't glow, but the hair might? you'd need a special light though. it's not technically glow-in-the-dark

if it makes you feel any better (though, I think it would be just as hard no matter what) FIV is not exactly analogous to HIV. it causes AIDs-like syndrome, but cats with FIV can live relatively healthy lives, they're just often restricted from other cats to avoid transmission. their immune system is suppressed, but

my bff loves to get her nails done, and she tried the gel polish because she didn't want chipping. for her, she actually though it lasted too long, because she realized likes changing nail colors more often. in addition, removing it sounded awful, they have to scrape it off? she said it was uncomfortable. does anyone

THIS. listen, I am probably primarily a dog person, and Boo is freaking adorbs, but I could watch Maru for HOURS and giggle my ass off. I will ignore my own cat (who is pretty freaking adorable) to watch Maru. (now that I've said that, I feel awful. I'm so sorry, Pooka!)

hah! I knew I should have checked other comments before I posted that. I suddenly feel no sympathy at all for guys getting hit in the balls occasionally (ie not every month for sometimes days on end) when they deserve it.

"It feels like someone punched me really hard just below the bellybutton except on the inside, if that makes any sense."

considering people are making working prototypes in their garages, I don't doubt these could actually come out in 4 years (whether they will is another story, but why would Nike pass up the marketing opportunity?)

it's very much about who has the "power" in a situation, and it Terry Richardson has a tendency (so I've heard anecdotally) to take advantage of his models. and it's more than "she chose to model for him", it's that in this case, Nancy has all of the power. Richardson's food-fetish shots are a wholly different message

I watched this just to hear him say "gymnasium" because it struck me as so funny. I only love him more now. DAMN YOU GOSLING

I love the idea of this phone, but I'm really disappointed to hear it doesn't live up to expectations. I also really wish it weren't Motorola. Hey HTC, please do this only better!

I don't think that she was saying the discrimination bothered her. I took from it that marriage never seemed important/necessary to them, but that seeing the struggle same-sex couples are going through to have their marriages recognized, and NY's law being so prominent of a story, made her think she had been taking

I feel this way about bananas! I would like to like them, since there are many things that sound like they would be delicious if I liked bananas (PF Chang's dessert egg roll thing, I'm looking at you!) but I don't, so they would be. Also tomatoes, but I can mostly get by just fine hating specific tomato applications

it affects different people differently, and regular consumption can change the affects. in general, people who are hyperactive naturally are actually calmed by caffeine - it has the opposite effect. ADHD medications are stimulants, but in a hyperactive body, they act the way you might expect a depressant to.