
also, the boyfriend's son wasn't dead yet. she died 2 days after the accident, the boy died 5 days after the accident (3 days after HER death) ...meaning whoever wrote "she saved him" didn't even see her as guilty for the boy's death, since the boy was still alive because "she saved him"?

the "big mistake" one I could probably let slide as a lame elbow-nudge, but it's not "hilariously ironic" or whatever to regulate and impose self-deprecating "humour". I mean, I've definitely pushed myself back from a huge burger and breathed "I REGRET EVERY MOMENT OF THAT" in a tongue-in-cheek commentary on how

I've been watching, but I'm just not finding myself as attached. My friends and I still hold weekly dinner/tv parties and shout things at the screen and make up nicknames for all the contestants (we are sad that the one we call"Gorman", the gay mormon, is gone again) and there's a bitchy guy with crazy eyebrows who

oh god they're awful! but I'm continually surprised at the raucous response people get! so it's an "at your own risk" thing.

I do really like the steps they took here, and I'm a fan of the product, so win-win!

Twitter takes care of pictures itself now. I have an HTC Droid and all my photos have an option to Share to Peep (the built-in Twitter app, never needed to change it)

additional examples:

my best friend married a guy we were all a little "really? are you sure? so soon?" about, but we stuck beside her because she was happy (they lasted a little over a year). I ad-libbed my toast. I barely remember it, but apparently it was good? keep it short and simple. your idea sounds awesome. build it around that,

garter/bouquet are AWFUL. but mostly the garter. holy crap. you would not BELIEVE what I've seen some people do in front of their families. so uncomfortable. also, 9 times out of 10 a little kid catches the garter and they have to re-throw it. not even joking. I WISH I could share the video of this one couple we

I think you're on the right track, but don't be nervous! I promise you're going to be fine. I see TONS of toasts and everyone - seriously, everyone (ok except that one guy) ultimately does fine.

I HAVE to jump in here. I film weddings and cannot even count how many toasts I've listened to. The advice here is really great, and I have additions.

because you are in constant fear that your loved ones are actually dead and their murderer is the one texting you? that sounds like an awful way to live.

I feel like everything I've seen from Annie Leibovitz lately is over-'shopped. Like she keeps taking photos of celebrities at totally different times on totally different sets (maybe to accomodate schedules) and then pastes them together, and it's always weird. I'm really disappointed.

I do this too! I'm sort of relieved my car stereo now has no numbers for volume. my old one I used to drive people crazy adjusting it because I could see the numbers (and if you were in my passenger seat and changed the volume, I'd "fix" it) - 5, 10, 15, 20, 23, 30, 35 were acceptable. I don't have an explanation for

I'm opposite. even if I wake up on my own, I won't get out of bed unless I'm on a 5 or 0 (if the clock says 8:37 I'll wait for 8:40, and if I miss it, 8:45)

I've heard of this before and realized I must have it. A is blue and 7 is male :-P

for your entertainment, my cars, which have totally varied in gender/naming:

I want to say that yes, even numbers are female and odd are male, but I think the words are and not actual numbers. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 are all male while 4, 8 and 9 are female. They've always been that way to me. I always thought of colors as gendered also. Blue, red, purple, green are male, but yellow, white,

so what you're saying is that Superman has syphilis?

the first "NO" doesn't even bother me. it's the second "NOOOOOO!" that ruins it for me, because he sounds like he's trying to stop a puppy from piddling on the Death Star's carpet.