
I feel like underwear printed with "PERVERT!" on the crotch is a brilliant idea, and an untapped market.

I disagree. totally a helpful comment, because I would have completely missed that gem. I think I love her!

I love the man-in-kilt idea, despite how obnoxious it is that this needs to offend the menz before anything will get done about it.

they had a highly publicized reunion around Valentine's Day this year, if you missed the billboards. I'm shocked Barbie, Inc. hasn't put a quick stop to this Greenpeace thing...

ok, I might need some correction on this, but my understanding, albeit a loose one, is that this video/track is less about killing ladies and more about the idea that this is how black males are portrayed in the media, as monsters, like, you should have expected me to act this way, right? meanwhile, some of the

I had a teacher in high school who once accidentally let it slip that he spent a summer selling hot dogs on a nude beach. Obviously, we insisted on stories, and he just said he got hit on a lot by older ladies and that everyone would ask why he wasn't nude too...

I thought it was just because my skin is so obnoxiously fair that baby sunscreens were better for me. I guess they really were blocking the rays better.

if you check Lifehacker, they JUST posted about the moldy bread (which is why I think this post and its correlating image choice is so funny)

the moldy bread pic is an interesting choice, given that's exactly what Lifehacker just posted you shouldn't continue to eat.

well, thanks for Dust and reminding me of the movie "I, Zombie", which chronicles a guy turning into a zombie in secrecy and includes multiple masturbation scenes. hey, guess what happens when you repeatedly tug on rotting flesh? *spoilers!*

I was out with the bf and a friend of his recently, and the guy was talking about his "favorite new hangout" and "you'd love it" and started describing how the girls are hot and they have dishes named for "the man cave" and just really weird stuff. it was terribly uncomfortable, partially for the subject matter and

you're right - the magnified image has the tabs on the inside of the frame, while the overall shows the tabs on the outside.

I'm in the same boat. I got the Incredible, but I honestly just love the UI enough not to fuss. I have been considering rooting lately just to get rid of those pesky VZW apps and free up the space, but I haven't yet.

I do wedding films, and I LOVE seeing the kids as part of the ceremony. In one, the son was just up there, holding the bride & groom's hands. In another, the bride (who had raised the girl thus far after her birth mother passed away) sat down, put the groom's daughter in her lap, and spoke vows to her as well (it was

that does explain it. I had an idea it was something like that, but Kaling is the only actor on the show I knew for certain writes for it.

I totally caught myself not even considering the women in the office for the manager position as I watched that episode, and it broke my heart. You're right, Pam would be an awesome manager. It would totally be a "Jim is just promoting his wife" problem, like when he had limited raises to give as co-manager, but still.

I feel like BJ Novak has always gotten fairly high billing on The Office, and I've never really been sure why. I seem to remember that even in episodes where he wasn't around, he appears in the opening credits while others (who are on every episode) don't? I could be wrong.

from the EPA: "The Earth's ozone layer protects all life from the sun's harmful radiation, but human activities have damaged this shield. Less protection from ultraviolet light will, over time, lead to higher skin cancer and cataract rates and crop damage." Not strange at all.

my experience as my bff's MoH was fantastic because she was so laid back, understood the financial situations myself and the other bridesmaid (only 2 of us! yay!) were in, as well as our very distinct styles and complexions. she had 2 wedding colors and was happy with us picking either or both, different dresses if we