
in my experience filming weddings, those cutesy sayings you find online are a fucking HIT. the photogs will all roll their eyes because we heard the same joke yesterday and will again tomorrow, but most people don't go to enough weddings to notice, so you'll usually get a roar of laughter. just depends on if you wanna

ditto. I tend to hit the "bargain aisle" on my way into the store, and I'll grab things for my cart, but then make sure to check the aisle that item is actually in and compare whether I'd actually be getting a "bargain" - I'd say it's been about 50/50

funny, that is exactly the page you get if you click the link within the article.

I thought that too, but I think it was meant to be Scoop?

damn, the Eagle Award looks way cooler than the GS Gold Award. Mine is just a dumb little pin.

I'm trying to ignore how disturbed I am and instead focus on the clever use of "ramming", because I have to admit it's kind of funny. assuming "rapture" on the part of the animal getting raped, not so fuckin funny.

still? they were at the time, but I was making the jump because my phone wasn't really working anymore. VZW just asked if the display was cracked (no) and if it turned on and made calls or something (yes! I mean, it then turned itself off whenever it wanted or off and then back on again whenever I got a text message,

Verizon does something like this, too. I got $25 or $35 for my LG Voyager back in October, and just applied it to my next bill. It took the sting off the switch to the $29/mo data plan. Look for the link online, because, at the time at least, the guy I asked in-store didn't even know about it.

ugh GOOD CALL - I hate the constant camera click.

are they going to restrict flash photography? because flashes going off during video looks friggin' TERRIBLE, and despite the fact that the lights for the video camera should be enough, I really don't know quite how the White House press photogs work. I do know that a video screengrab will just not cut it.

didn't some tp company do a poll not too long ago and over definitely won? I don't remember the brand, but I remember the outcome because I am so staunchly "over" that I have changed the orientation of the roll in other people's houses (mostly my mom's, who doesn't really care, but I'm ashamed to say I'm pretty sure

but my mom isn't, and it's nice to know a few trusted sources I can recommend to her

isn't that partially the point of an article saying that today they updated it and "it's gotten much better"? maybe try it again, and then let the rest of us know.

yeah but the ring in the lead photo is really pretty.

at least it's mildly better than the Soviets, who just strapped explosives to the dogs and sent them after German tanks. from what I understand of American dog use though, the dogs whose handlers survived were able to go home with them, while the ones whose handlers died were either left behind or euthanized. I wonder

I have absolutely used my nose to make phone calls (I refuse to pony up for those fancy gloves you can use a touchscreen with). it is awkward and imprecise, and leaves greasier smudges than my fingers. I suppose this stylus addresses that aspect, but, um, not the "looking like an idiot" aspect.

I have never seen this, but I'm imagining it, and it's cracking me up.

the link says $1,500

I feel like I'm learning a lot about the people I know based on their reactions to this, and honestly I'm finding myself relieved in a lot of situations to see things like the MLK quote Penn Jillette posted, bible verses stating similar. in other situations, suspicions are being confirmed, and others are surprising me

oh thank gosh he's crying. not gonna lie, I thought he was peeing (which would be strange because there are porta-potties right there)