
the camera geek in me wants to squeal about how fun crazy slo-mo is, but the part of me that's having, like, the period from hell right now just can't stand to watch red jello sploosh around.

I love the tricky dicky use of the word "explicit" here - it implies "x-rated" or "naughty" but ABC could easily defend it as meaning "they explicitly state that this man is in a same-sex relationship"

I do wedding videography, and have definitely seen wedding printed toilet paper (and personalized paper towels, but that's another story) at a bride's house. for the record, it was scratchy and uncomfortable.

ugh! thank you! Manila, please fix your forehead/wig hem WHATEVER that is! I love youuuuu

I love love love Manila Luzon, but really was equally pleased with Raja - RuPaul hit it dead on for me when she said Raja just elevates genderfuck, I loved the intellectual approach she took and how much she really cared (even though she didn't always show it very well). Manila I loved for totally different reasons -

my cat is a girl and she is also like a dog! she follows me around and responds to her name and sits on command!

my cat loves milk bottle caps but I've never given her the pull-rings (seems too easy to eat, like the bobbi pins and elastic bands, but others have attested to those dangers)

ditto this. my cat keeps me sane in our basement apartment, because the many-legged things that showed up when we moved in, I just don't see around anymore (but I do find stray legs on the bathroom sink under her usual perch) and if I ever do see them, it's usually not too hard to get her focused on it. before we

I was diagnosed "mildly bipolar", and in a lot of ways it actually made some sense and it helped me to have a language to describe what was happening to me for years I was medicated for that specific disorder. No other psychiatrist bothered to question it, just handed me prescriptions, until I got a new

my guess was he was being gross and racist and missed a comma "I want an asian, baby!"

I'm creeped out by Michael Lohan referring to his daughter by her full name.

Can you BELIEVE he's 41?

Dear National Lampoon,

god I love that commercial, and yet I hate it at the same time. I mean really, she starts the commercial with a long-haired cat in her lap and ends it with a totally shaved feline - it's probably the only time a "shaved pussy" joke can surprise me (I mean, I saw it coming, but didn't know when!) and make me chuckle.

I love seeing Martha Stewart with random unexpected people. I will always remember clicking over to her show once and seeing her bring out a huge calendar as an example, and right on there was "Alice Cooper's Birthday: Bake him a cake!"

ahm I missed that point. by the time I got my Inc they were comparable

I far prefer the HTC Droids (I have the Incredible), maybe mainly for their Sense UI but also for a more comfortable, compact styling. And yet, Motorola Droids get all the attention, and the awesome accessories - while VZW offers some great car and desk docks for the Moto Droids, the HTC Droids have nothing but a

I technically do have a Droid, but the HTC Droid Incredible, the redheaded step-child of the Verizon DROID family, and I cringe when people ask if I have a Droid. Well, yes, but not that Motorola crap with the better accessories (I'm bitter, I admit it)

yeah, I'm thinking that about both her picture and her name being used in apparently every headline related to this story - I guess celebrity is the only way to get attention for blatant workplace discrimination?