
I contacted my state's senators, but they're both dems, and I believe were voting for the repeal anyway.

Reading through all the stories below, I have the nearly irresistible urge to go out and kick one of these guys in the dick.

@rott: huh. that must be what these words meant:

@accesskathryn: I really thought that part was going to end with the older woman, which would have been funny because it subverts what you expect them to do, but instead, they stuck with the same old tired joke.

@Brunette Bookworm: Food Network has been playing the damn Matthew McConaughy ad constantly. At least the "guy with spiky white hair and a red camaro" commercials are over now. "I hate that Guy!" [ETA: the Share button did not even have the chance to get cold before my TV proved me wrong and aired the commercial again

@MedLib: Just the Senate now. House passed the repeal bill yesterday and sent it back to Senate as a privileged bill (shorter voting procedure).

@tobesthewonderdog: and if you're a lady, how do they really know you're NOT an expectant mother? you may just not show much or not be that far along. it's a nearly impossible thing to police, just relies on politeness, so I never saw a huge issue with it. I think some people complain just to complain.

Wellness Cat/Dog Food samples deal is already expired.

@Platypus Man: I feel the same way. If I'd waited 2 more months, I could have gotten the phone free, and I could really use that $200 right now :-/

@streetfish: there is probably an Incredible HD coming out.

This is the first time I've seen someone comment on the expectant parking without wanting to complain about it.

@LadyFabulous: good point. I think a monocle could be "trend-setting", I wonder if that would be an issue. Maybe not until it became trendy? So many questions...

@deleahrium: Also, no trendy spectacles? Can I wear woefully out-of-date ones?

I totally misread this and thought the first list was for the menz... and it was awesome.

Well they didn't say the kitties were FCP or Avid gurus. They filmed it (minus pressing "Record")

I changed my password when this came up yesterday, then when I tried to log in to comment today, neither new or old password worked, and I had to reset again.

I changed my password when this came up yesterday, then when I tried to log in to comment today, neither new or old password worked, and I had to reset again.

I changed my password when this came up yesterday, then when I tried to log in to comment today, neither new or old password worked, and I had to reset again.

@lonelyinmynightmare: I am honestly relieved to have not known. The less information about Sarah Palin in my head, the better.

@deleahrium: Also, on the moosedogs, I went to Rutgers, and a friend of mine from Alaska came to visit once. When we took him and his buddy to the Grease Trucks, they were amazed, and tried to come up with what they might like to see. I know it included things like reindeer meat and moose meat and some type of fish,