
Is that Bristol with the look of incorrigible smugness behind Kate?

@Miz X: I thought it was that the ring was meant to be sold if the couple reached financial crisis, and it should have cost as much as 3 months of salary in order to keep the couple stable for 3 months (although much longer is needed to find a job nowadays)

@deleahrium: Also, I have to be there to protect my technologically-impaired family members, who were somehow convinced to start FB despite not completely understanding how browsers work, or things like "the pencil icon means edit"

@blash: that was MySpace for me, enlightening me to my then-15-yo cousin's love of pot, ICP, and rolling cigarette packs into his t-shirt sleeves. awwwwesoooome.

My answer didn't fit in "Other" so I decided it was close enough to "my life is an open book"

@Bluecold: try Nature's Miracle. they have a cat-specific version that is especially effective.

@Haneyg: My last temp job had a 1 hour commute from my apartment, and with time it got worse. Luckily, like I said, it was temporary. I had honestly decided by the end that if they did offer me full-time (they talked about it) I wouldn't take it, mostly because of the commute.

At my last fully employed job, I worked for possibly the worst human being I've ever met. We were all underpaid and overworked, but I (and any female coworkers I had, however temporarily along the way) was paid even less. I was expected to lie to people, I was roped into working on material I wasn't comfortable with

@indiesandy: I was thinking this not an hour ago, sucked into an ANTM rerun, how these mature-looking models are so YOUNG off-set.

@timgray: why were you interested in this article then?

@whereismyrobot: those are AWESOME, especially for the beach, because even down in the water, you can have it attached to your bathing suit or shorts or whatever.

@leviathan: ...but don't google it and then click images, unless you want to see some weird, disturbing and mostly unrelated images (like a crime scene photo...)

HAH! I love this.

@whereismyrobot: I'm a redhead, so I burn like crazy during the spring and summer. I would pretty much die without it. I actually have multiple forms! A solid (like a tiny deodorant, but sunscreen) and a small baby/face lotion. The stick is great for face & tattoos, and I don't worry as much about the cap coming off

@rather be a geek than your groupie: I wish I knew! I'm gonna be screwed when I run out, but it's lasting forever. I "borrowed" it from my mom's bathroom cabinet ages ago.

@Matt0505: if you look, you'll see that some free apps have "normally $_.__" next to them. all the others ARE always free, and still deals, and still worth posting for people who like free app referrals from trusted sources.

- tiny notebook (I carry teeny colored moleskins)

@thequeenofstartingover: my feeling is that the commercial makers are probably getting crazy deals by buying the rights to songs by unknown/struggling/just-excited-to-be-noticed indie artists rather than the "classics" or current popular music.