
@quobetah: it's a slab phone with a glass(esque) front, like a lot of smartphones right now. that's like saying all flip phones with any matte metal look just like the Motorola Razr (when that was all the rage) or that the Palm Pixi looks "just like" a Blackberry 'cause it's got a little keyboard under the screen.

I was in NYC last night and had to wade through a crowd of the undead going into a Whole Foods. Maybe TWO were in character, and one was a drunk girl screaming "F*** YOU" because we weren't dressed as zombies ourselves.

@laterandlater: When I was about 4, we took home a runt of a kitten from a flea market (the irony eluded my 4-yo mind) and I named her Honey. Honey had to be put to sleep when I was 21. She was VERY loyal and tended to be rather shy, except around me. I could dress her up, carry her around, she slept with me at night

aw Caturday! I'll join the cat-sharing!

@Nicci: ooh. I need to listen to them again.

@iheartbabymonsters: I think that was the first time the judges got an earful about it. But I seem to remember it being a big deal that they were stuck with him on their team. Maybe it was just murmurings until then? That may have been just after he started winning a bunch. It's all a jumble.

@raineoffire: I think my Halloween costume when I was 13 was, in fact, Pippi Longstockings. overalls, red& white striped shirt, and I already have long red hair so I braided it and stuck wire through the pigtails to make it stick up.

@überkäto: the brand? was it "russel"? ba-dum-cha!

@Lulubell: wow, thanks for the link! I feel like kind of a jerk speculating, but there was just SO much more going on there. I know that meltdown feeling, and it was difficult to watch him go through it. It HAD to be more than just the competition.

when I saw the picture last time, I totally considered asking about those fabulous sunglasses. they are less fabulous with jewelery hanging from them (IMO)

@Lisabel (ne:Dagnabbit): I watched last night, and honestly, as it was happening, my mom and I both remarked how we'd never seen anyone react like that. There is MUCH more going on here than the competition though. His bf said during Tim's visit that his family only started showing any support for Michael after he got

there was a lot of uncomfortable goings-on in relation to Michael C's life. While it struck me as not really cool that his boyfriend apparently outed him to his parents, MC seems like the type that might never have done it otherwise. Hopefully it was with his blessing, and more of a supportive "omg, can you do this

@pursedangler: I think after Ivy left, Michael C really began to grow on Gretchen. She did get chummier with him near the end, defending him when Ivy tried to stir up shit, etc. She's a funny character, because I think she really just doesn't realize how mean she is. Like she knows how she's supposed to act/feel, but

@WalnutSoap: Thoroughbred of Sin: they also list things that are normally free, just sort of as a heads up to platform newcomers. the only ones that are not always free are the ones that say "(normally $___)" next to them.

trunk monkey

@laureltreedaphne: on the one hand, it does seem silly because, like you said, DwtS is not about sex or dating so who cares who you dance with? the more I think about it though, I do see some possibility for expanding our own concepts about "well, WHY do males & females always dance together? why can't two men

@ArcaneDigital: I seem to remember it's supposed to be "person with disabilities" so that you reference "person" first and that person happens to have certain difficulties. same with "person of short stature" over "little person" so that the qualifier does not take the place of importance.