
I've asked for the "boy" toy with my happy meals for as long as I can remember. And a lot of times it made things take longer because they'd automatically hand me a barbie when I really wanted Batman, and boy did that piss me off, even as a kid.

@crocuta: the logic falls along the lines of "if it makes you feel any better..." followed by an "it could be worse" or an example of the person's own misery.

@ms.henrick004: touche. but obviously I'm not saying only Americans have freedom of speech, I'm just used to dealing with idiots here who try to use it in their own favor when it's not a case of FoS at all. sorry for the ignorance in forgetting that not everyone posting here is American.

@David Stern but Fair: I am always tardy to the party, but I still get party favors in the form of continued knowledge! I will remember these next time I feel the need to show off.

@highjump: not trying to derail your rant, but I am having the wackiest deja vu reading your post right now.

@deleahrium: addendum/reminder: this bill is about more than just DADT.

Jezzies, don't fret yet!

@ms.henrick004: ...protects Americans' rights to speak out without repercussions from the American government.

@ledzep23: that's why they offer "hand relief" lotion. duh.

@nemoo: HDR = High Dynamic Range. it's a way of shooting that allows you to see a greater range between the lightest/highest and darkest/lowest tones of an image (you don't have to lose light detail by over-exposing or shadow detail by under-exposing - you get it all)

@minifée: I agree, there's a serious amount of thought that went into this. now she's claiming it was a suicide attempt? by patting "Drano" on her face? none of her stories make sense.

@David Stern but Fair: no, but it IS racist that you don't know the difference between people from many US towns/schools (Columbia) and Colombians.

@LuxLuxLux: I think your second point (about "black" having negative connotations) has less to do with racism in those words and most to do with the racism of assigning a "negative" color to a group of people in the first place.

@lurker2209: yeah I have to admit, every time I read that "pretty girl" quote, I hear a man's voice saying it (in the imaginary L&O lineup I have going in my head, obv)

@Mitzi is....: the theory is that she sort of patted/spread it on her face with a cloth or something.

@shadoobie: I felt the same way. I sort of appreciate that there was a little play on words there (it's a female dog, so she is a bitch) and that's what makes me not entirely sure. I try to be optimistic about people's abilities to be witty like this, but a sinking part of me realizes he's probably just being an

@LoneWolf: I've never seen it either, and I regularly read Lamebook/Failbook (just TRY to decipher some of those posts) so no, I don't think it's a thing. I think she just makes up her own "things".

@Honeybee74: I tried to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's an attempt at a play on words, I thought. But then I read the article and realized he doesn't have the creativity/wit to even attempt that.

@Honeybee74: I tried to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's an attempt at a play on words, I thought. But then I read the article and realized he doesn't have the creativity/wit to even attempt that.