
1. Thats California which will be relevant but it could also end up as a state versus federal matter. Matters like W2 vs 1099 classification is going to have federal implications. A single ruling here won’t be the same as the implementation of a law or it withstanding legal challenges.

In Seattle and elsewhere, there are apps like Scoop which align to employers, basically where you can make money by driving co-workers in. Some employers subsidize the rides under the premise it helps with parking and congestion. 

1. I don’t think it is fair to say they are currently being mis-classified under the law. If you look at IRS criteria, classifying them as contractors seems correct considering they are operating their own equipment,hours aren’t set, pay schedule, can work for multiple services interchangeably, etc.  

An AR-15 and similar platforms of weapons mean an idiot who has never shot, can do a lot of damage, especially in a closed environment with little risk to themselves. This wasn’t a weapon designed for hunting game, it was designed to kill in a warzone. They fire fast, have limited recoil, are high capacity, and they

I don’t know that paternalism was a means, or an end.I worked for an Israeli company for a few years and taking care of employees was very much part of their culture but that also came with an expectation of loyalty. After 2008 and massive layoffs, it was a realization for those that hand’t already recognized it, that

Wait until they tell him how babies are made

I mean its a scalpel, it is a really sharp cutting utensil, you just use to remove bad stuff right?

I am in management now and have been for a while now at my current and previous employer. In my mid-30's though, I am still mobile but once you get into your 50's and this happens, the options can reduce pretty fast.

Effectively we are down to 10 candidates for President. 20% of those candidates are from Texas and between those two candidates, they are polling at a whopping 3%.

I had a lot of family and friends lose their jobs when the GM plant in Wilmington Delaware closed, it helped usher in a bad local economy which certainly didn’t help addiction and the opioid epidemic. It was the Beretta and Corsica, then Saturn, then the Solstice and when Pontiac was shut down, the plant shut down.

Most gun owners understand that the right is already infringed upon and are aligned with that. There are a lot of morons that if they had access to explosives, would intentionally or inadvertently kill lots of other people.

If someone is going to really report in the capacity of investigating guns, then yes they should learn about guns and develop first hand knowledge.

This always seemed inevitable with the vote for Brexit. I don’t think any PM or party leader can steer this thing in any other direction than over the cliff. May, Johnson and anyone else who isn’t able to hold a second vote to stay, is going to have the same issues.

He kind of comes out of an era when you could get away with lying but then again this guy had a presidential bid end due to plagiarism so gaffes and lies are a feature, not a bug.

If it jacks up tuition costs further or gets the blame for it, especially at a large public university, it will have negative public perception

Or also Americans are lazy, apathetic, snd can’t be bothered to consistently show up to vote

I keep reading this style of comment and it really is the simplest cause and effect.

He can see the numbers but he is going to try to present like he isn’t affected by it and maybe that is even genuine.

He is new, he is a retired Navy Seal, and he is in a solidly Republican district.

I’ve been an independent contractor and for the most part, my rate was negotiated. I had a set rate and it would be negotiated. I may see a reduced rate per hour, reduce hours/increased hours, or reduced scope.