
Independent contractors have a completely different set of obligations and freedoms. Independent contracts aren’t operating with non-competes if they choose to drive for Lyft, Uber, or Amazon, within the same hour. They can choose to work when they want or not work when they don’t want.

You won’t get to vote for Tulsi anyway unless you live in her district. Even if you don’t like her, it is worth a listen. The interviews with Sanders, Yang and Crewnshaw are all interesting. 

This narrative of just greedy business executives versus labor is an issue but it is also an over-simplification.

It is right now but that isn’t what they are going to be selling. These services exist but they aren’t really hands off the wheel yet. TMS software helps but still has limitations.

What, you mean actually pointing out facts? Any presentation of facts that doesn’t correspond to your narrative is prostitution now?

Alabama and Mississippi is kind of amazing in that it is constantly an Onion article come to life. Roy Moore, Sessions, Ivey, etc. 

The operating model itself should be more profitable than a traditional cab company since it eliminates dispatch and allows the company to scale faster. Then the rider can more easily pay with credit cards, navigation is provided, etc.

I think what people sometimes forget with Amazon from the 2000's, was how much free cash they were generating. Multiple times over the years, Amazon would basically stop hiring and expanding briefly, to show quarterly profitability and cash generation. Then came AWS with high margins.

The play that they are selling investors is two-fold

“Enjoy your Vichy lifestyle for the few years it has left” - your comment makes total sense and is totally consistent

Oh you mean one of those people who tries to have an understanding of the actual environment and use cases about the issue in question?

What if I am into that? Jeff and I both get something good out of it...

You typed a lot but didn’t say much. Amazon isn’t doing anything illegal and they aren’t stealing. Stealing is taking something that someone else has against their will. That isn’t happening here. Companies getting tax incentives for creating jobs isn’t stealing. You can’t steal what doesn’t exist in the first place.

Those with influence will use it to get the best deal they can. It would be foolish to pay more than necessary be it taxes, above market wages, etc.

It is a basic power map, it is used in politics, sales and can be applicable in any environment where you have supporters, detractors and will need influencers to support your position. 

Amazon’s deal wasn’t much different than what is available to most companies entering NYC and no where near the benefit of a deal like Hudson Yards. 

If a company is managing public relations, then documenting who is making the statements and what those statements are seems practical. Documenting the statements that politicians make is practiced by the media and other politicians, so it shouldn’t be surprising that a company would do the same.

This sounds pretty dystopian here. You don’t get to pick and choose the facts and data points you like and be considered journalism.

Purdue didn’t just have mis-leading marketing, they falsified data. That is fraud. Purdue should end up in bankruptcy from this ordeal and pieces being sold off to pay the settlements. Those who signed off on falsified data and claims to the FDA or other government authorities should be criminally liable.

They had a fund preparing for this that has more than 10B in it between Purdue and Rhodes.