
Calling out the Mooch is certainly fair but I don’t see what it really accomplishes. Trump is sill a product of more than 40% of the electorate where the American people were also fine to look past these things.

I mean if they had a brawl like the one at the palace then I might tune in every now and again, but the product on the court is no where near the level D1 or the Big3. Maybe by college you mean D3 but it certainly doesn’t even resemble what we see in the NIT. 

How many liberals are planning their dinner date to Long John Silvers?

I dated a girl who was half Cuban and half of Mexican descent. Both families were very conservative in part due to Catholicism and then both had come here for better lives, started small businesses, worked hard, and ultimately found success in Florida. The immigrant work ethic and then not wanting to pay additional

You going and getting all classy. Their softball keg even had Miller Lite. #keystone#nattylite

Exhibit #1 for why I miss home.

The rent seeking is built into the system. The SureScripts situation makes that clear. Amazon will be fighting the system at every turn just to even be able to receive a subscription.

I would bet they aren’t actually being paid, so this is a freebie

Whether a weapon should be legal or heavily restricted should be based on it’s rate of fire, firepower, and capacity. The AR-15 even if it were to remain legal to own, should be heavily regulated and restricted because of its rate of fire and firepower.

It is far more difficult. You have lots of students in low income and impoverished schools that are a nightmare for teachers to deal with and slow down everyone else starting in elementary school.

It begins. Democrats are going to tear each other down and will hand the election to Trump.

The charter schools and the public schools tend to both fail and produce terrible results. This has more to do with the students, the parents, and the environment than the schools or teachers. If you don’t fix the underlying issues that lead to the severe behavioral issues, disruption, etc, then no teacher is likely

Mainly because they can limit attendees, students who are discipline issues and slow things down and disrupt the class constantly can be removed. 

I don’t know a lot about Stern and my mother and friends are union teachers but when you look at how many teachers are actually fired a year in large city school districts, versus pretty much every other profession, it indicates systemic issues and protectionism. Tenure also doesn’t necessarily mean a teacher is

Sounds about right. Some of my friends who are nurses did the traveling program in these kinds of areas and after a few years, most bounced because of this. If they are married, a lot of their spouses don’t want to move because the career opportunities in these areas are limited.

In a situation of a transgender athlete where there is the introduction of outside hormones and a clearer biological difference and classification, I understand that.

If there is no identifiable artificial hormones and her sex is defined is clearly defined and documented as female, then I don’t see why she shouldn’t be free to run.

Much like the post office model, they will provide coverage but in more remote areas, it will be limited. The facilities that were once much larger also may need to be scaled down. The issue of getting staff will continue to be an issue though. A friend completed his residency and was offered far more money in a more

I would say it is the contrary. Thinking back to even being in high school and college, I can recall having a virus and being taken to the ER. An urgent care could have just as easily given me IV fluids without the long wait or taking a bed that could be necessary for a true medical emergency. The cost of care at a

This and the rise in urgent care centers and Minute Clinics from CVS can impact hospitals as well. Often occupancy is supported by general practitioners and with less need given alternative providers, this again can strain the breakeven points. It isn’t just one thing and like what we see in retail, maintaining these