
If they were that level of athlete, they would probably be playing in the NBA, NFL, or MLB. 

Patients are a major issue. Hospitals aren’t unlike a hotel in that they need occupancy. They have fixed costs to maintain the facilities, salaries, licensing, etc. That means they need enough demand to cover their overhead and a lot of rural hospitals just don’t have that. Often these facilities actually need to pay

It is the FT so the readers are going to know these people and this is definitely his target audience

I don’t follow it that closely but what evidence are you looking at to support that?

I hope they are able to negotiate a larger share of the revenue in their next contract.

So now people will need to provide a list of all accounts, assets, holdings, etc. to the government? Or worse that information will be reported from those financial entities to the government. Given the breaches with Equifax and Capital One, what could possibly go wrong?

People can sign letters, petitions, write op-eds, or do whatever but with Trump, it just doesn’t matter because he and his administration simply don’t care. What we have been shown clearly is that the President while also being above the law, also can be beneath decency and there are no legal or even tangible

You mean that people didn’t see those videos and laugh?

Except Biden has way higher likability scores. Maybe if Hilary was doing videos with Obama in sunglasses like Uncle Joe, she’d would have done better but Biden is going to get way more from his affiliation with Obama. 

Everytime I read your screen name, I immediately think about Swayze throwing the dog which leads to the attacking dog being punted.

Obama ran with a clear message. Bill Clinton ran with a clear message. Hell Trump’s takeaways from his message were pretty clear.

As an ideal, sure. As a pragmatist, I have good insurance now and would generally expect the government to screw it up, fail to adapt, and their costs will run out of control if other large programs are any indication. If it doesn’t have wide bi-partisan support, it can’t pass or endure meaning the actual

She also ran a horrendous campaign, polls as unlikable, had decades of baggage, and ran a campaign that didn’t stand for anything.

Sanders and Warren can run on universal coverage/medicare for all but without control of the senate, it is never going to happen. Even with control of the senate, the odds of this happening anytime in the next decade is not realistic.

This far out, I absolutely agree with you and things will move but it also appears to be a demographic and identity issue as well.

Per 538, it is Warren/Pete who appear to be splitting the wealthy, white, college educated Democrat whereas the working class is splitting between Biden/Sanders. Harris seems to be taking more of the Warren/Pete segment. 

What did he say today that we couldn’t already read?

What did anyone really expect. This was always how this was going to play out. Republicans yell, Dems act like they think they got him, Trump tweets, and Mueller as he said prior, wasn’t going to say anything of any real substance that we didn’t already know. This hearing was never going to accomplish anything.

Why should Gillibrand be doing better? What has she done that is of any note Watching her on the stage next to Harris, Harris displayed charisma, presence and a deliberate agenda. Gillibrand just looked and sounded like she was trying to get a word in whenever she could to let people know she was on stage. Gillibrand

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