Anger and outrage are proven to be effective. This is why you will continue to see so many outrage posts in your feed. People are proven to engage more with topics and positions that make them angry and the algorithms bake that in.
Anger and outrage are proven to be effective. This is why you will continue to see so many outrage posts in your feed. People are proven to engage more with topics and positions that make them angry and the algorithms bake that in.
it is a solution
Keep your eyes on Vegas odds in 2020. These rally’s are calculated and if he is going to win, this is likely his best move to turn out more of those voters to win the EC. He is hoping that as bad as he is, he drives the Democrats left and people will choose their wallet over voting against his racism.
Historically, our labor force participation rate isn’t great. Jobs are continuing to be automated and having more and more people isn’t sustainable and it doesn’t solve the problem.
I feel like calling the cops has always happened. Whether it is stop and frisk or pulling people over, cops being called, etc - now people seem to be getting called out for it.
Different experiences maybe, I’m 35 and in a largely blue collar irish/italian community that I grew up in, the N word wasn’t the norm but the Italian word for eggplant was constant and the views professed were aligned. I haven’t seen this reversion in my daily life but the country is perhaps more segregated in…
Did we? Part of the issue is social media gives a greater platform to amplify this voice and Trump is the ultimate mouth piece. The Obama Kenya/birtherism isn’t much different. This is the same kind of racism.
Sure but this is still an isolated incident at an isolated event from 25 years ago. Trump wasn’t even an old man yet it was so long ago.
I don’t see Romney being as ruthless as Cheyney was but he would have pushed the same tax and deregulation. The biggest difference with Trump is that he has no care for norms, decency, or what is morally right at the most basic level. He is a stick of dynamite that people who were feeling desperate and left behind,…
Sure but there are also a lot of lower middle class, middle class, and upper middle class areas too. I agree they were all openly opposed to busing but it is still in effect and it is hard to say it has been a success.
It proves he knew him but I don’t recall Trump saying that he didn’t know him, but saying you barely know someone tends to mean you don’t know them well or intimately. He was at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding but that doesn’t mean he knew them.
But it isn’t peeling back Trump’s deniability. Nothing in that video would indicate that Epstein is a predator or that Trump knew that Epstein was a predator at the time.
Yes, it will just depend it it is Trump’s corporation versus him personally.
I’ve lived in the Philadelphia area in PA and New Jersey, worked for extended periods of time in Alabama, Mississippi, St Louis, and Ohio. Now I live in Seattle. The self segregation varies. My personal experience was integrated in high school and college largely because of wrestling.
I don’t think that this is a product of capitalism alone. Obama was a capitalist, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan as are Romney, HRC, Cruz, etc. If HRC or Cruz are president or we are in Romney’s second term, we aren’t dealing with what we have with Trump.
This all largely happened in Wilmington. My family that lived there typically went into Wilmington during Elementary school and then kids from the city came out to the suburbs during middle school. They went to a charter or private high school based on entry/lottery.
I got my license in 2001, and some of the cool kids had Mustangs, Camaro, Trans-Am’s, Cougars, etc, and a lot of them were like 18k. The S-10 Extreme could be got for under $15k.
So what is this article getting at? Trump knew that Epstein was a predator? Maybe he did but there are also plenty of pictures, videos and travel records of Epstein with Democrats and Republicans. We could say the same of Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, or Jerry Sandusky who regularly associated with politicians,…
8 years of a Dem presidency and a slowing economy at the end of the .com bubble impacted Gore vs Bush. Gore also ran away from Clinton which didn’t help him. He won the popular vote.
If Nixon had FoxNews, he survives impeachment, if impeachment would have happened at all