What damning evidence are you expecting to be uncovered that would change Republican position?
What damning evidence are you expecting to be uncovered that would change Republican position?
In Wilmington where Biden was involved in it specifically, busing has been a failure. It didn’t desegregate the schools, what happened was that kids were either bused away from their homes into the city or away from their homes into the suburbs. Private schools grew to a point where the county had the highest % of…
This is already happening and we are seeing automation create a significant reduction in the need for overall labor. Technology eliminating middlemen eliminates those jobs.
Its wild when the Ranger and specifically the 1989 S-10 I learned to drive on, was about $10k when it was released.
Your mother..... and definitely my mother
Why is anyone expecting any professional boxer to be some beacon of morality that should be a model to follow? Pacquiao comes from absolute poverty and has been fighting professionally since he was 14. He is from a country and aculture where a dictator like Duterte could become a popular head of state. Why is anyone…
What kind of freak could show their browser history to their mother?
I thought no one was having sex anymore?
Congratulations on your random Simpsons knowledge
No because best she’ll get to is going to be Minority Leader but she seems more competent than Schumer.
You can, but this isn’t a US only issue. Once the money is earned and taxed in the US, it is easy to invest in assets offshore and pay little to no taxes until the money comes back into the US.
I do appreciate the random Simpsons reference.
Immigrants in general when they criticize are damned if they do and damned if they do.
Why isn’t she?
Greatest running back of the past 40 years and would be better in todays NFL than he was in the 90's NFL.
Smith was still an all time great running back and would have been successful anywhere. He was a great running back and he was durable. He wasn’t at the level of Sanders, Faulk or LT but he was a great running back between the tackles. Gaming out how that would have played out if Sanders somehow ends up on the Cowboys…
Sanders showed up at rallies for him during his Senate campaign which helped his visibility. Being from Pa and having worked at times near Braddock where he was mayor, I knew him but he didn’t even have a strong name recognition in the eastern part of the state. Sanders elevated him while he was running for president…
He “foretold?” Marx died 130 years ago and spoke vaguely about how technology could create an additional dependency of labor on the “capitalist” and seperate them from their own means of production. That isn’t novel, he could simply look at how people moved from an agrarian economy to the cities.
They can block all legislation but in swing districts, being an obstructionist may not play well and if there are issues effecting their district like the opioid crisis, voting against anything and everything will have reprucussions.
Pelosi was the speaker and the leader of the party at the time of the mid-terms. At this time she was getting credit for standing up to Trump. Dems won seats in 2018 on a moderate, anti-Trump platform. She maintained a legislative and policy agenda to support their elections and supported fund raising where needed and…