The districts that went red to blue in 2018 were mainly swing districts. With a republican at the top of the ticket, it’s a big advantage in the house for the GOP.
The districts that went red to blue in 2018 were mainly swing districts. With a republican at the top of the ticket, it’s a big advantage in the house for the GOP.
Then the likely outcome is that Dems lose the house and white house on top of not having the senate
He is a text book narcissist. As he gets older he’ll become more of Tony Soprano’s mom, than self aware
You make statement. You don’t provide proof. You call the person questioning your statement lazy.
Yet you can’t cite a single one of those sources. You can’t provide any corroborated or peer reviewed analysis or write up to back up your position.
Admit what? All of this came out and was further reinforced by Donna B’s book. Sanders isn’t a Democrat and the party wanted to give the nomination to Clinton which explains why the debates were limited and scheduled when they are.
I would think of it as more The Art of War. If you are facing a superior force, you regroup rather than go into a battle that you can’t win or that will cost more than can be gained.
It comes out of wrestling to a large extent. There is a pride in the mental toughness of making weight.
Guy was great as a tag-team, was big and incredibly athletic. The Fame-asser was actually a pretty cool finishing move.
Yes, you are shedding light where there is no dark. The DNC was in the tank for Hillary but they didn’t rig the vote. More people voted for HRC than Sanders.
It is intentionally left open. Pelosi is out of San Fran, she fits all the definitions of west coast, elite, liberalism and the caricature can intentionally be left vague and people can take from it what they want.
I get it but think about how many Dems actually voted for it and think about why they did. Do you think these people are all heartless or spineless or do you think they’re being realistic and forward thinking.
Lockheed, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, and Northrop have quite the market cap. Academi (formerly Blackwater) continues to find success.
I don’t know where you live, but travelling for work, I spent a lot of the mid-terms in the areas outside Indianapolis and Pittsburgh. During the 2018 cycle, it was Pelosi who Republicans ran ads against to demonize candidates as too liberal. Connor Lamb had to distance himself from Pelosi because to win that…
As house speaker, Pelosi’s job is bring the party together to get achieve the achievable. She needs to be able to bring factions together and fund-raise. is necessary to hold swing districts and pick up new ones. Pelosi going full firebrand doesn’t help that cause and wouldn’t be strategic.
I am looking at primary and general results too. In North Carolina, Sanders was clearly to liberal for the Democratic electorate which is why HRC won NC. The same can be said for Pa, Ohio, and Florida.
Are you paying attention? We already outsource plenty of defense to the private sector
Dream looked aflame
Tony Reali should be the moderator. Around the Horn and ESPN facilitate more meaningful debate and exchange than any news network.
You made an assertion while providing no tangible data or citing tangible support. If you want to make a point, back it up. High school kids understand this.