Please cite the study backed by actual math that proves your point because I must have missed this Nate Silver headline. You also are ignoring the number of people who vote in the primary elections versus the general and seem to be suggesting that even if Sanders won the popular vote, it would have got him the EC,…
Because the runners sex is male. Telfer is biologically male. Telfer trained and developed for over 20 years as a male. Oh and she competed recently as a male. So yes, that matters.
It isn’t an unreasonable position if you believe that the government can do a better job than the private sector.
In principle I don’t disagree with you. The issue that I see is that there is all the proof available that the government will be worse. I don’t want to trust control of my healthcare to political whims and promises from elected officials that are more interested in getting re-elected than they are at making the…
So Conway and the Trump administration got a win and the support of the Dems, and Pressely landed a sick burn on Twitter. So they’re even?
No idea what you are trying to prove with the definition of deterrent because no where in that definition does the word penalty appear.
A penalty isn’necessarily a deterrent. You seem to fail to recognize that.
I am not advocating to hand anything over, the companies already have it.
Yes and there is absolutely no transparency in the system. The parties who have the most information, PBM’s and wholesalers are generating the most revenue.
No, but if there was a way where they could use a technology or create a self service model to free up resources, then tech companies would support it.
You took the initiative to respond to me shithead and decided to just throw insults.
This I disagree with. Plenty of tech companies would be happy to create this architecture and from a feasibility and complexity perspective, it really wouldn’t be that challenging for a Google, Amazon, etc to build. I work for a tech parent company, and this issue goes beyond the issues at the border, it is creating…
I don’t disagree at all with this assessment.
I work in healthcare and there is no one thing driving the increase in costs.
Trump has at least spoke about the opioid issue more than Obama or Bush and while it is far from fixed, the supply has decreased.
That is a different problem. Making legal immigration easier and more structured with the right resourcing should be a no brainer. If people are coming here to work and there is a demand that the US labor isn’t meeting, be it in agriculture or engineering, there should be a simple and straightforward path to do so.
You didn’t remotely answer the question you fucking dolt.
Democrats are predictable in their in-fighting, eating their own, and providing openings for attack. These kinds of things are warning signs ahead of 2020.
You did. Still the tax burden falls much more on the citizens to pay higher taxes to fund social programs.