
The corporate tax rate the US has had was way too high relative to the rest of the world and now it has been brought more into line. The US also tried to tax all profits rather than a territorial system like is in place in the rest of the world. Those changes to our tax system were long overdue.

If you have no no legal deterrent for illegally entering the United States, then how should border entry be regulated?

So Watters said something that made him sound like the asshole he is, and that is a headline?

This race is presently rated as likely R or safe R.

If it is, she attended the naval academy, so she got what was required to attend. 

The ACA is effectively the government forcing someone to buy something, without pre-requisite. A tax occurs is associated with a specific activity be it earning is income, owning property, making a purchase, etc. I understand if Roberts thought he was voting for the greater good but this law always seemed shaky.

Exit polls and most polling in 2016 proved unreliable. People didn’t want to admit voting for Trump in many cases.

  • The overall nature of what this article is proposing suggests a level of over-confidence reminiscent of 2016. This time however Trump will have the advantage of incumbency and a bigger war chest.

What Warren revealed is that she possesses from 1/64th to 1/1024th Native American heritage. At most she is less than 2% of Native American descent. She also listed herself as Native American in staff directories, a cook book, and with the Texas State Bar Association.

Maybe but Castro was really who the DNC handed the reigns to, and he should be performing better in the polls than he is. I can see why he would be behind Biden and Sanders but he is currently behind Pete, Warren, Harris and Beto. Castro is smart, qualified and capable but he isn’t a charismatic rock star like Obama.

We are about 7 months out from the first primary. As long as candidates continue to meet the criteria to qualify for debates and avoid scandal, they will stay in through Iowa.

This is a good call out too because if Sanders, an independent, has even 40% and a mix of candidates like Biden, Pete, Warren and Harris make up the other 60%, the DNC will broker a deal to swing their support to a party member.

It doesn’t make her unelectable, it was just a stupid and unforced error over something that should be rather insignificant.

Usually yes, but I recruited at Penn for undergrad and even Wharton undergrads will happily remind you that they went to Wharton.

But he isn’t even at 3% now, what makes you think he would have that kind of sway to win Arizona and Texas.

I say this based on the very simple calculation that Hillary Clinton would have won in 2016 had she only had slightly better turnout, and in 2020 Democrats will be much more motivated to turn out and vote against Trump. Hillary Clinton’s voters plus a small increase in turnout among Democrats should give Democrats

I get it, it’s just kind of sad. One of the other applicants that I interviewed and did cases with, had just graduated from Penn Medicine and decided to go into business instead and this was part of her reasoning. She probably had to answer this question 2 dozen times that day.  

I’m friends with a current Wharton admissions officer and the criteria to get in now is light years beyond where it was 15 years ago, let alone 50 years ago.

I am sure there are some guys who had the athleticism to play in the NFL or NBA but the endurance aspect of the sport and rules, probably limit some of what we might see.

I’ve seen it. She will still receive questions and attacks regardless.