
Interesting article and good read.

Umaga, the Samoan guy behind Vince M. in the picture passed away some years back, again before he turned 50. 

There will be limited raids in urban areas but they aren’t likely to do anything that would impact industries like agriculture, meat processing, and with Trump he isn’t likely to target construction, land development, or large landscaping either given his vested interests.

With Deutchebank, I assume that this was turned over to the Southern District and is likely still in play.

CCTV, absolutely

This is what Schultz is waiting on but the challenge is that most votes that Schultz, Steyer or a Bloomberg would receive, would be moderates voting against Trump and for something else.

Jokes on Splinter, this is the only headline coverage Hickenlooper will get all week

The “All Grown Up” part is my favorite

The letters that the unabomber wrote, were legitimately more coherent

Seemed contrite and this is a tough situation for the runner. The catcher is out from the plate, in the base path, and blocking. The catcher was also moving so the runner has to try to judge this while his focus is primarily on attempting to score the run. The catcher dropped his level before the contact, which put

It can be hard but it isn’t nuclear physics either. Plenty of people speak more than one language and in most of the rest of the world, speaking multiple languages is the norm.

I am a big fan of Askren but he ran his mouth a lot ahead of the fight and talked a lot of trash. He ran down Masvidal quite a bit so at that point, Masvidal mocking him is fair game.

What did I say that wasn’t true?

My point was that she is not politically calculating. She is going to make a point like this to get a headline and will walk into a character insult as a counter. She claimed to be Native American on something like the Texas Bar, when the reality is that she is a white lady.

I’m a ginger, and am about 3000% more African than Warren is Native American.

None of what I say is true? So Warren didn’t claim Native American identity?

She entered college in the late 60’s at GW, at that time scholarship and more favorable entry requirements were available for those classified as being of Native American descent.

She is supposed to be a champion for the far left and be a progressive on matters of race and identity. At the same time she is a white woman who became a Harvard law professor, while conveniently classifying herself as a Native American for 5 decades, to advance her own academic career.

Is this like bunting to break up a no-hitter or watching your homerun?

There are more slaves in the world today, than ever before. Having spent extensive time in India, they don’t seem to think about it much at all.