
You don’t need to go back that far, even our grandparents were just way tougher than we are, because daily life was tougher. If you asked my grandfather what he thought about pattern bombing German cities, he would tell you that he didn’t think about it at all. A lot of what that generation routinely did in combat

The fact that these idiots call themselves anti-fascists, when what they are trying to do, silence free speech with violence, is actually fascist behavior.

Does hurting female people of color also include claiming to be Native American to gain personal benefit?

Libertarian in the US isn’t particularly well defined and gets co-opted out of convenience. Like Democrat or Republican, it has different meanings for different people and the meaning isn’t static. All parties have a lot of variation in belief. My ideals tend to be libertarian where if what someone is doing, isn’t

True, I’ll probably be at work or off actually enjoying my weekend

You enjoy your rage boner on this lovely fourth of July, before you get so wound up you spin yourself off of the planet

Even if he did, it wouldn’t change the fact

Perhaps things were better with McMaster, Kelly, and Mattis managing the show. There absence seems noticeable.

Again, no sane person is saying that we should allow guards in the detention centers mis-treat people, that they shouldn’t have blankets, toothpaste or the basic necessities. That is a given. This all should be table stakes but the fact that there are sufficient holding facilities available is a limitation. 

What exactly does this document lay out as US obligation?

And advocates for violence against free press, journalists, bloggers or just people wearing hats, and other oxygen thiefs would do the world a favor by tripping and falling in a puddle of AIDS.

That doesn’t address the full situation though and root of all the violence leading to the the flow of migrants crossing the border,  isn’t all blowback.. The region has its own homegrown violence, poverty and injustice in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras that also pre-dates US involvement. None of this excuses the

There is no good or easy solution. There aren’t enough resources in the form of people or places to process this influx of immigrants. I am not a Trump apologist and his administration is displaying nothing but cruelty in this situation, but this problem didn’t just arise in the past two years, it long pre-dates

So enlightening with you knowledge of the geo-politics in the region

Which conditions created by US specific policies have led to the level of violence that people are fleeing from in these countries in such numbers now?

I’m an atheist and believe decisions about their health should be between a person and their doctor so I agree with you. Being pro-life isn’t based on a foundation of logical reasoning but blind faith in religion.

Good luck and thank you for your service.

Yeah I didn’t vote for this asshole and detest everything about the administration. Testing/acceptance is more like it though. Not sure what the path forward is if the party in power doesn’t see how these kinds of aren’t at the height of danger. 

Yeah fair, but tanks rolling down the street seems like a bridge to far even for the likes of a Trey Gowdy.