
No, you are reading into it what you want to, so you can be an opposition and be more woke. I clearly say this is terrible and that our infrastructure is terrible and that our agencies and administration are behaving terribly. Sadly the situation they are fleeing is more dangerous which is pretty objective given the

If the GOP doesn’t stop him here or at least check him, they are complicit in our slide to whatever this becomes. The high ranking military figures could also resign to send a message.

No, fair points on conditions and certainly we have had policies that have created political instability. The US should be doing much better than this. This is a human rights issue and we should be providing refuge to those fleeing violence and looking for nothing more than safe harbor.

It is under-resourced and it is intentionally cruel, being used as a political football ahead of 2020. The US has done terrible things in South America but all the failures aren’t the result of US policy and you can fuck off with that simpleton notion. 

Given how much Conway looks like Stormy, I just assume shes fucking Trump which for George, isn’t as bad as the fact that her character is such that she continues working for him to begin with.

This is absolutely terrible and the US infrastructure is woefully under-resource and this is a human rights crisis where these people are fleeing from and now unfortunately where they are fleeing to.

BART and then SMART out to Novato. 

Arizona is west coast Florida, from Scottsdale to Naples, Tempe to Gainsville

Nate Boyer was a Green Beret, not a Seal, but yes, the whole kneeling rather than sitting thing was done out of respect to those in the armed forces

Dicks Sporting Goods has a giant facility in Goodyear that got major incentives and FTZ benefits, and they will continue selling Nike’s, so he really got them

In Alabama and Mississippi, MLK shares his holiday with Robert E Lee and it is on all state calendars.  

Those shoes look great. Nike just created a sneaker-head collectors item

They should, same as with Georgia and Delta over the NRA. This kind of move is bullshit and company I was working with at the time opted to head to Memphis rather than Atlanta because yanking an incentive to create jobs on a whim is bad business.


It is a debate in June 2019 where 20 people are struggling to get some spotlight. Iowa is 7 months away.

I’m trash but I am not a savage.....I eat my toasted Wawa meatball sandwich in my car or I add a small tangerine wooder ice and eat next door on the benches at Rita’s.

There is a difference between trust and bias. This is a blog, it isn’t a publication and it is absolutely not unbiased.

Yeah but, it is way better now than it was ten years ago even despite some of the new soulless construction like we see on Broad. I’d take this over some of the rate and roach infested places even around Rittenhouse.

Sanders isn’t addressing why these three individuals have been able to build such wealth or how he would address the root cause of it. 

So you will only believe it when a far left outlet confirms a story that they won’t cover because it likely doesn’t suit the narrative. How is this view different than what this outlet condemns Fox News viewers for?