
He is about $40B lighter this week.. The difference is simply the definition and how is shares are held, because his shares aren’t simply held personally, in his name. This is why I said “effectively true” and didn’t disagree with Sanders overall assertion.

I had to head out to Marin, at the end of the line for work, and it was similar at the end of the line as it was at the station we left from. 

It is also a regional issue. Homeless people often have drug issues and come to the city where drugs are typically more easily permissible as are encampments and the cities have more services available. The county or area as a whole isn’t trying to address the issue, mainly it is the city trying to do everything. 

I hear you. I’m fortunate to be in an area of the city with a good elementary school and solid high school. Still, the logistics of it all if I had kids would be a pain in the ass. Parking a few blocks a way because all the spaces near my house are taken would be one more headache with kids. 

Congrats for doing what is best for you, your family, and whoever gets mad at you for that is an asshole who should mind their own business.

It is “green” construction and comes with tax incentives in many cities. 

“Own” or “hold” versus “control” are somewhat different. Bezos isn’t worth $100B. He doesn’t have $100B in liquid assets and if he tried to convert his shares to cash, the value would fall out.

His statement is effectively true, those three individuals, day to day do in fact control said % of wealth.

What are you proposing as the alternative then to check cashing establishments or an approach to regulate them?

I watched it from various sources, what are you suggesting I watch for?

Sad story. There needs to be standards for bike lanes with protective bollards and hefty violations when the lane is obstructed in an impermissible way.

This was always a racist policy and nice that Colorado is moving past it.

Ok, so those that are going to support that position that are pro-life or pro forced birthers, are now going to outright take the dozens of seats now and have free reign to advocate for right wing positions on every other issue.

What didn’t I admit? I clearly said she was prepared and performed really well. This kind of even with ten people on stage though isn’t so much of a fight as it is a shoving match that breaks out at the press conference. Harris was really well prepared, looked great, and I want to see how she does in the full fight.

Google Rob Rogers Einstein

As much a journalist as anyone at Splinter and if they were baited, then they took it. Or maybe he just shouldn’t have dressed that way and was asking for it?

I wouldn’t go so far as to say anyone won, but she had a good night as I thought did Mayor Pete. Biden didn’t perform particularly well and Sanders really didn’t register at all. 

You can google it and watch the video. He is a single person attacked by multiple individuals. This is assault and battery. 

I don’t see why it has to be a purity based either / or.

Except here, this guy was simply there covering the event. There is no fighting back but rather this was a violent assault. No one in Portland was trying to block Antifa or their right to demonstrate. This guy posed no harm to anyone.