I disagree only because it seems impossible for Republicans to both represent the economic interests of management and the economic interests of labor.
I disagree only because it seems impossible for Republicans to both represent the economic interests of management and the economic interests of labor.
So are you saying that they had the right to physically beat a guy just because they disagree with his views or politics?
Even prominent members of the military and Trump supporters have described this as “bannana republic bullshit” so not really sure why this notion persists for President Bone-Spurs.
In a debate, yes she would but debates don’t matter to Trump’s chances, at least they didn’t in 2016.
As the debate was kicking off, everyone else was stairing ahead and she was still feverishly making notes.
He should have hit her on her record as a prosecutor contrasted with his as a defender
It is easy to be outraged when there is no accountability and it isn’t your money.
And so it begins, or with Biden, it continues.
One set of supporters coming out against another candidate and their supporters is going to happen regardless of the candidates.
Do they need the majority of working class white men? - probably not as an absolute but this is really dependent on turnout. They likely get over 30% if they want a more probable shot of winning Pa and Ohio.
It is a biting criticism of Trump. It is unfortunate if they are going to they are going to cut him loose, based on what is no different than an editorial that some readers may disagree with. Pittsburgh’s apparently not the best place to have an opinion.
I appreciate you citing stats and evidence to back up your stance here.I hope this is a bellweather and that your prediction is correct. I would prefer that the party leadership and the candidates don’t read too much into that though and prepare as if they are severe underdogs.
Turnout is always much higher in presidential years than during mid-terms. Yes Dems did well in the house but what districts are you looking at that you think will be telling in the presidential and in the senate?
If the US were to leave South Korea, North Korea wouldn’t hesitate to invade South Korea and with conventional weapons. Shelling and artillery alone could kill hundreds of thousands of people in South Korea.
I come back to this headline and picture a few times a year, and it always really makes me laugh
No, The ability to do math doesn’t require medical attention
I have a more pessimistic view. I think Iowa, Minnesota, and Colorado could all be back in play along with potentially Oregon. The demographics similarities and strong economy along with being an incumbent bode well for Trump. Agriculture took a hit but these states are more purple, they aren’t as blue as they’re…
I grew up in Marcus Hook but some of my family lived in the Wilmington area off Nammans, near where the racquetball club is now. Lancashire was basically their back yard but they had to go into the city for school and they also would describe how many fist fights there were at their school too, which seemed odd given…
You mean he was part of Dem leadership as a Senator and then as a VP that helped stave off a depression?
That and just being able to get deep in an issue rather than pay lip service with talking points. A lot of audience anecdotes in these events really speak to the challenges people are having.