Sanders winning in 2016 should have been a huge warning sign, same with Wisconsin.
Sanders winning in 2016 should have been a huge warning sign, same with Wisconsin.
We aren’t really the richest nation in the world or in history. We are also 300M people which is substantially larger than any country being cited which has a large publicly financed healthcare system.
With my current employer and previous employers, I can usually choose from 2-3 insurance providers and about a dozen different plans based on network and deductibles.
Was he wearing his flag pin incorrectly too?
Well I’ve said that Harris, Warren, and Castro all looked like all-stars, so if you are going to call a spade a spade on white males, you should probably read what was printed.
Trump is absolutely electable, the guy was a popular celebrity television star who won the presidency by winning a popularity contest. Trump being electable doesn’t mean he isn’t still detestable, he is but he also happens to know how to work a camera, a room, and present publically to a national tv audience. He…
So I grew up right outside Wilmington, in a blue collar industrial town, less than ten minutes to Biden’s house. My town is basically a continuation of Claymont on the Pa side. I have family that lived just over the border and friends that attended schools in Deleware. This debate played out on the news and in the…
The election comes down to Pa, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, and Wisconsin. Dems need to win 3-4 of these states while holding all states HRC won. If turnout is even slightly up, Biden or any moderate Dem should take back Wisconsin and Michigan.
Electable means broad appeal, being moderate enough to reach swing voters, having charisma and an executive prescence.
I thought Biden did as well as Biden is going to do last night. By Biden standards, he didn’t have a full blown screwup. He isn’t going to run as “woke” or a far left progressive but as a center-left moderate who will bring back the normalcy of the Obama years. At this point, that sounds like a welcome pivot from the…
CNN has been having town halls and debates like we saw with Sanders and Cruz, why not amp this up in the Dem primary. Too many people are on stage and in this format, people are just talking past one another and jumping in.
Democrats are also the party of the rich, it is just a question of severity and honesty. Republicans support of the rich is thinly veiled, Democrats do back flips to not sound corporate while Republicans embrace the label because they translate “corporate” to “jobs.”
I disagree. I haven’t watched it a lot, because I am busy, there are other things on, and ultimately the product is terrible. Even watching sporadically, the mic work, promos, and wrestling itself is just way down from where it used to be. This is in part why AEW has such a shot. The in-ring product from New Japan is…
Also true, in my moms life time the Klan was still Democrat, and for the front runners for the Democratic nomination, the Klan was Democrat in their lifetime.
Maybe it is and I’m just not seeing it.
In my grandparents lifetime, they faced prejudice for being Irish catholic. The Klan’s message was anti-immigrant and anti-catholic, as they blamed immigrants and non-protestants for stealing jobs from “true-Americans.” When the klan marched in my grandfathers neighborhood, they were met with potatoes being thrown at…
On top of them also being terrible. The Universal Title?
I agree about the rose colored glasses and dreck but todays product is pretty bad both in terms of storytelling and in-ring performances. This is why they keep going to Lesnar, and pulling HHH, Goldberg and the Undertaker back out. There shouldn’t be this much 40+ year old talent let alone 50+ year old talent in main…
Heyman I absolutely get. Heyman was a great on-air talent with the Dangerous Alliance who identified and developed talent in WCW and then in ECW to make it must-see TV. He saw the upside in guys like Austin, Jericho, Van Dam, Guerrero, Sabu, The Dudley’s, and others to produce an in-ring product that was way better…
I want to see the country address the current problems and get ahead of future problems. I want solutions and plans that work backward from what we want.