
Assuming they hold all of the other moderate states as well, yes. If Sanders is the nominee, many states are back in play that weren’t with a moderate HRC. When you look at the a story a few weeks ago about Trump targeting Oregon, the demographics similarities are worth noting between Wisconsin, Minnesota and Oregon

No, I simply can look at people’s statements on all sides, objectively. Neither side has a monopoly on poor judgement or misplaced faith. Penn, Moore, Chomsky, Sanders and others all had praise for both Chavez and Maduro. These are facts and Venezuela is totalitarian regime which uses violence to suppress the free

I didn’t say “all,” I said “largely” which is the case. The Tribune is an outlier for its market and doesn’t really have distribution outside of the Chicagoland area relative to the Times or the Post. When you look at the major journalistic outlets with the largest news distribution, they lean left/liberal. Facebook,

There really isn’t really a good case to be made there. Without the kind of absolutism of the first amendment and the right to demonstrate, there wouldn’t have been the permissibility for demonstrations to advocate for womens rights including abortion, suffrage, gay rights, civil rights, religious freedoms, freedom

“Applications to host a public event are granted based on operational feasibility, not based on values or endorsements of beliefs

The endorsement of a newspaper is largely based on the ownership and management of the specific newspaper. Tribune Media is a conservative company with conservative management and it continues to lean right. There are outlets like the NY Post which are also clearly conservative despite their primary market being very

Lets see what it ultimately becomes about in a few weeks.

Nailed it! all those white males that voted for Obama became Nazi’s because all Trump voters are exactly Nazi’s.

The FISA origins aren’t all necessarily there. This is where the likes of Amash or Rand Paul will jump in.

He was certainly going to attract disaffected white men. I don’t believe 4chan or 8chan was his target but everything ends up being discussed there regardless. When you look at the last election, that was the demographic that swung to Trump. Yang was clear about this early on given he was doing work in the midwest and

If everyone gets $12K, I’m not sure how that is dismantiling. His plan to pay for it is logical. He could win and I still wouldn’t see UBI happening but the fact that we would have the conversation earlier than later when the labor force participation rate drops another 10-15%, seems like a good thing. The problems

We don’t necessarily know all of the origins and there typically aren’t only single points or sources of information in an investigation. Again Steele may be qualified and everything he found in his investigation for opposition research may have been true but if it was in part paid for by Clinton, that will be what

Something tells me Chris Jericho will eventually launch a podcast and in pro-wrestling, not sure I can think of anyone who would be better at it.

An Asian lawyer turned entrepeneur who is the son of immigrants, getting support from white supremacists is like watching Snoop Dog, Martha Stewart, and Ru Paul on VH1. If you think back a ways, not sure anyone saw these bedfellows coming together on a cooking show.

I remember seeing Tugboat and the Undertaker at Shooneys in Philadelphia after I had just seen the Undertaker tombstone him and put him in a bodybag. Koko B ware was having drinks with Jake the Snake. My 5 year old brain was very confused. 

If they aren’t on point, the soundbites can potentially get away from them and that is a potential risk. Mueller tends to be very buttoned up but he is getting older so there could be risk there if he slips. 

They may know that but it isn’t what they “Believe.” It is different calculus for Republicans with everything from Trump to global warming because they will believe the same thing on Wednesday that they believed on Monday, no matter what happened on Tuesday.

Jim Jordan to anyone with a basic sensibility for logic and rationale would see Jordan’s fiery responses as illogical and his actions as a hammer looking for a nail. Jordan is popular in his district though. He is a former childhood/high school star athlete, national champion wrestler, evangellical and of his

AOC was the leader against Amazon which resulted in NYC backing out of the deal that was agreed to. This ultimately resulted in Amazon HQ2 walking away from Long Island City. This cost that area, tens of thousands of jobs which based on Seattle comp, have a mean and median compensation of over $150k . Her comments

We don’t know what the origins are and FISA will go into a Rand Paul tangent and rabbit hole. Steele and campaign monitoring will be questions that they are going to pepper Mueller with and no matter what he says, those will be targetted questions and Republican converation. All Mueller has to do is slip one time with