
They will continue to attack him through his surrogates like Barr, Mnuchin, and others. Making it a slow bleed and drip of information can do more damage without the visibility moving directly to Trump. 

Trump can’t be ignored but don’t fight him where he is strongest.

Trump wins because he is attacked and he has something to fight back against. This is a fight he will win. It allows him to reemphesize that they couldn’t defeat him in 2020 so the only way dems can win is impeachment. Giving Trump this card to play helps him because it rallys his base, changes the conversation, and

Different calculus though and this is assigning more value to the impeachment as a Republican victory.

The point of impeachment is to put the POTUS on trial for high crimes and misdemeanors. There should be a presentation of facts and then the Senate would vote whether to convict or not. We know that the trial in the senate would have a completely partisan bias and Trump won’t be convicted. It will turn into a

You can do that without impeachment though. And blasting them accomplishes what?

For those screaming for impeachment, what comes after that, then after they don’t get a conviction? Game it out a few steps and the likely outcome is Trump doesn’t get convicted, gets a political win and then continues to repeat that there was the Mueller investigation, he was exonerated, etc. The media hangs on every

Your sentiment there is tough to argue but even if you aren’t inspired, showing up to vote be it for the lesser of evil, a third party, or a write in protest isn’t that tough to do. Republicans aren’t always inspired but they vote because perhaps they are just pragmatic and action oriented. This mentality of not

It still wasn’t that narrow though. He is safe for another 6 years, he’ll worry about re-election in 4.

I’ve personally been part of the production and packaging of various forms of hormonal birth control. This stuff is as expensive to make as tylenol, the packaging is actually a bit more expensive given the color coding and assigning to days per month, but not in any prohibitive way.

Evangellicals vote. NRA members vote. Old people vote. Voting and income also tend to have correlation in other analysis performed by Pew. These voting blocks largely have tended to bode well for Republicans.

If a doctor writes a prescription for an OTC, then it can be covered by insurance.


I’ve been hearing that Texas is on the verge of going blue for about 20 years now. Ted Cruz had a fight with Beto but I do wonder how much of this is Beto having charisma and Ted Cruz being Ted Cruz.

We will see what ultimately ends up coming from this. The intent is noble but the effects of this kind of legislation may very well have unintended consequences that fail to address the challenge this is aiming to correct.

Would have never been said in a mens professional match or even a college match.

Trump has done more here to get this done and moving than the previous administration. It is a low bar and this is sadly bi-partisan where they are using this as a football to get other things they want.

Calling Tucker Carlson a dick after commenting that he is a grown man in a bow tie, should be shown on repeat every time Tucker gets sure of himself about anything. 

Considering most people who vote actually vote democrat, Republicans drive a way higher % of their voter base which is why they have won. 

Bill Weld is a smart guy and he knows he is going to get steamrolled. He hates Trump, has nothing to lose, but his hoping to slow the Trump train down heading into the general. Weld is hoping that a scandal breaks ahead of the election and that he can start the attacks in the primary cycle.