
'Come see my One Man Show' is practically a punchline in the struggling artist community. When this happened in the movie, it's half a cruel joke at the character's expense and half a clear demonstration that she's way out of her league. When it turns out an agent was there, it's like the film signaling its pivot into

I think they've pretty much all been quite profitable, except Green Hornet.

Hmm, well, yep. You're right!

I like how no one gives a shit that the intended implication is murdering people indiscriminately with a baseball bat.

I saw Corey Stoll and John Glover in the Public's Troilus and Cressida last summer. This sounds like a bigger deal.

OK. What I'm saying is that putting forth the argument that everyone who doesn't agree with you is just a bad person betrays an enormous lack of empathy. No matter what you think, you'll eventually have to deal with people who think differently, and if you refuse to associate with them, then maybe you're the one kind

Liberalism always went hand in hand with empathy, for me. Give it a shot.

How kind and open-hearted can you really be, if you think three quarters of the country are irredeemable assholes?

At least one person sure as shit disliked Kennedy.

So like, Baudelaires are Templars and Olaf and friends are Assassins? That's kind of fun.

I'da gone with Vice Principals in there somewhere.

God, you're a pussy.

…but he's won several of them!

I don't know. I think Kermit looks fine. Who cares?

My college roommate had a piece of paper taped to the wall, titled 'The List'. On it, he had the names Gianni Versace and Princess Di crossed out, with my name under those. That's the memory this news has brought up for me!

The Coulter thread is a parody thread, not written by Coulter. So you see, the people downvoting it were, I suppose, Coulter fans voting down an overt attack on their hero. They're the ones who are ignoring people they disagree with, apparently. But by putting the shoe on the other foot, it does sort of indicate that

I think Clint's a libertarian rather than a garden variety conservative. His entire filmography is full of libertarian themes and ideas, none more so than the Dirty Harry movies. That's why he's so cool with social issues, he advocates everyone gets to do their own thing. Which is why he bristles at political

I was hoping it was a Weird Al style parody of Kanye's I Am a God. Paul Simon does NOTHING for me anymore.

This news just reminds me of the day that I bought Blood Sugar Sex Magic for Rock Band, and we played through a lot of it. That was pretty damn fun.
Thanks for reading!

"You think you know about wine, sweetheart? What wine pairs good with TEN DAYS ISS? Huh? Is it a Zinfandel? Is it a FUCKING SHIRAZ?!?"