
This is an invitation to explain that perspective then. They certainly run enough articles on Game of Thrones, you'd think they're into it.

Or…it's a good movie!

No, no. That does make him fun.

I don't know, I thought it was ok. She freezes into a statue and explodes, that's not nothing!

No! He's a fictional ninja!

Like anyone here is doing anything but scream into a void. Certainly anyone mad about limited edition Ripley shoe sizes.

Technically, that did work. It melted the snows and allowed Stannnis to march on Winterfell. It was just so horrifying that half his army deserted in its wake.

Yeah, he's totally in love with dead Myrcella. Now they're dead together.

I honestly can't tell if this is dead serious scolding or bone dry satire.

It's really good! She plays an alien disguised as Scarlett Johansson and drives around Ireland seducing and murdering men. It's weird and arty, but in a good way.

Isn't the general release poster for Under the Skin Scarlett looking straight out, full face, on a field of stars? I've never even seen the legs one.

Michael Caine can manage it.

My favorite was early on:
Jewish guy: For two years, 900 Jews held their own against 15,000 Romans. They chose death before enslavement. The Romans? Where are they now?
Tony: You're fuckin looking at them, asshole.

This just in: John Oliver's show once again aired a new episode!

Oh, Vampires is a lot of fun. Sleazy, asshole fun, to be sure, but totally entertaining.

No one knows. No one knows.

You've really made up your mind about this, huh? Seeing a comment that has nothing to do with Leslie Jones's body and accusing it of body shaming is, in fact, far more objectionable because you're suggesting theres something about her body that can and/or has been shamed. That's you introducing it to the conversation.

You seem like you hate women.

The marketing of this show has been on point. They've really managed to sell the idea that it's one of our most beloved prestige programs.

I kind of love that he's stuck doing shit like this forever. Not a bad comeuppance for plagiarism.