
You know who else was a frisky, “small” QB that early in his career was constantly yo-yo’d on and off the bench? Drew Brees.

And Manziel hasn’t done anything to warrant being benched, other than, I guess, not being Josh McCown.

It either seems like Manziel is a detestable fucking prick or the Browns are bumbling fucks.

“Neither can I.”

I have an iPhone 4 that I’m convinced was personally blessed by Steve Jobs: it’s still going strong, still with it’s original screen intact, and no protective case.

Wow, Urban Meyer is one selfish son of a bitch. As an employee for the State of Ohio you would think that he would act in the best interest of the state. Yet, he still sits, all cozy in Columbus, refusing to lend one of his three stud QBs to the Browns.

We get it Snyder, he’s Jesus, please give him some other form of characterization because this is starting to get repetitive. I understand the connection, but it’s been done god knows how many times, please do something new.

This is spot on, Barry. Kyrie and Love are excellent offensive threats and pretty poor defenders. Enter Dellevedova and Thompson and you have two guys who will make it their mission to mess with Curry and Co. the entire game with the caveat that they basically rest on offense unless Lebron kicks it to them or Thompson

I know the horror stories sell ink, but keep in mind that the vast, vast majority of PayPal transactions go off without a hitch.

Shout out to Tom for the sneaky burn at the end implying the Bulls would go down in 4 straight games in a playoff series.

fucking love the album, as a dumb white kid from the suburbs I feel unworthy for enjoying both the music and the message as much as I do.

I just realized, this entire article boils down to 'give Lifehacker ideas for future articles'.

If you'd kept reading for another minute or so you would have seen that the piece is actually precisely about tidy narratives and that the opening section is not to be taken entirely at face value. The other option, as you seem to be aware, was to critique a piece you hadn't actually read.

Anastasia refers to her ass as her "behind," her vagina as her "sex." Her juvenile exclamations of "Jeez!" and "Oh, my!" and "Hmmm" are interspersed with the least specific descriptions of Christian Grey—the guy who threatens to beat her up for mouthing off or misbehaving—as the hottest man in the history of

The Plain Dealer has become such a joke of a publication, nothing more than a mouthpiece for the powerful and wealthy in NE Ohio.