
we have Gary Jules to thank for this

I’ve been wanting them to go back to being the Cleveland Spiders for a while.

I just tonight retired my iPhone 4 (no ‘S,’ even) for a 6. it had a shattered back that I never repaired. Otherwise, aside from mild-to-fairly significant overall sluggishness, it was working just fine.

I certainly relish my first Oberon of each season and continue to drink it until throughout every summer, but yeah, I won’t deny that’s in part due to nostalgia.

I have used Dove for a couple years now and I've never given thought to that, uh, I guess it isn't actually soap.

Cleveland Scene has been our true paper for a while.

Yep. Market Garden is gearing up to distribute fairly soon, too, which is really great news. if I can get Pearl Street Wheat in bottles during the summer I will be a happy man.

also I'm not sure about the headline; Lebron came back!

Oh man. As a Clevelander I'm obviously biased here but every one of Great Lakes year-rounds are completely excellent. See if they'll send you a mixed pack or something.

I don't know the hows and/or whys of Belgian ales, but I do know that I love them. Delirium Tremens is great and it's got those weird stone-opaque looking bottles!

Basing your David Lynch hottake on only having seen Wild at Heart (his worst film) and The Straight Story (his biggest outlier) is like basing your opinion of the Beatles on Yellow Submarine and Let It Be...Naked. So you have a very incomplete idea of David Lynch at best, Magary.

As far as insensitive Fantasy Football team names, yesterday I heard "Michael Sam Loves Sacks."

Yeah, for whatever reason (marketing, I guess), Pumking seems to have become the de facto pumpkin beer everywhere. There's a pyramid of cases of the stuff in the front of my liquor store. I'll find it on draft at all the trendy restaurants for like $8 a glass and people lose their damn shit over it.

"like storebrand allspice" or one of those little debbie pumpkin cakes, except the plastic wrapper got punctured and let a bunch of air in.

this is a major bummer, I've always been a big fan of their chicken quesadilla

oh, for sure, Jonah's maybe the single most reliable source of laughs on this show. the post just made me think, "hey it might be nice if we got a bit of Jonah, The Human, as well."

Yes. It's for reasons like this that Veep's only competition for best comedy (hell, show) on TV is Louie.

flappy bird is the closest thing we have to The Entertainment

I hate everything about this.

guess it's a you-gotta-try-it sort of thing, mine's great over any manner of button-down shirts in the 50-30F temperature range. colder than that you'll want a sweater or something underneath.