
No they wouldn't. Not having the legal recourse to do something about your neighbor being a dick, doesn't mean the neighbor isn't still a dick.

Ok a few real observations. Exterior is pretty spot on. Would have definitely NOT put a bull bar with bright LEDs but rather replaced the stock halogens with LED bulbs instead but otherwise no complaints. And I’m sure mechanically it’s great, nothing bad to say there.

How did you not include the tough mudder/spartan race/warrior dash crowd? I’d say it would have to be pretty high on the list.

“China has encouraged consumers to switch from fossil-fuel burning vehicles to electric cars and plug-in hybrids, with the dual aim of reducing pollution and supporting companies in developing what it sees as the dominant auto technology of the future.”

Or, here’s a thought: Find a new freaking story!

It was a newer Ferrari, so it wasn’t as bad. It at least wasn’t a classic Ferrari.

Oh no!

I’ve said it before, but I wish Jalopnik would do more with boats or a boat subblog. Most boating media is basically copy-paste PR bullshit. Which, as a somewhat a-typical boat owner and enthusiast, is a difficult pill to swallow. However, I am guessing that the market is simply not there.

It’s write-off! Kramer, is that you?

These slow, dimwitted, bearded cousin fuckers

And these are the guys who make it difficult to have a track car, and give rise to the EPA’s claims earlier this year that once it’s a regulated car it always is, even if unregistered and only used on the track. EPA backed off, but these guys give their argument a lot of validity.

It’s one thing for a vehicle to emit

This is how the Tesla Model Xs Doors SHOULD Work.


*quietly recalling all the times I rode in the back of our station wagon laying on the floor and wondering how I’m alive....

There is nothing at all biased about simply acknowledging that trump is a peice of crap. Hell I’m a republican and I think that.

You are right on most counts, but there is a moron behind the wheel of any -autopiloted- Tesla.

That didn’t take long. It’s only a matter of time before a Poke-driver kills someone.

There are plenty of commenters right here whom if I was the conspiratorial type, would assume were commenting from a cubicle at Tesla HQ, or perhaps Musk’s basement.