
It’s cruise control that takes the twists and turns, accelerates and decelerates according to road conditions and road hazards - in other words, it’s an autonomous system under limited conditions, but it’s not 100% reliable.

We have accounts of numerous near-misses and one confirmed case of Autopilot unable to see the broad side of a truck.

Now playing

Yeah, if only people like Elon Musk’s own wife didn’t post videos of themselves goofing around and ignoring the road as though Autopilot was a self-driving feature.

What? They market it as “Autopilot” as opposed to advanced cruise control (which it is)

Shouldn’t we be looking at the median price of new cars too, as opposed to average, if we’re looking at median salaries?

It’s fucked either way now. The two largest “leave” votes have been in Sunderland (Nissan) and Swindon (Honda), with both companies being major employers in the areas. I’d expect both companies to cut the plants adrift once the current models are finished, since they’re so out of sync with the localities…

Needs a paper bag on it so we can look at it.

That could probably be arranged

Bonus if it’s a trike.

NYPD fascism aside, that’s an impressive speaker setup.

Tesla Model 3............third time’s a charge.

We’ll never see the whole picture...

Once there’s intent, doesn’t that make it murder?

Safety aside, the halo presents a few more surfaces for advertising!

70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton swap. Rinse. Wax. Done. There are some tree sap chemicals that can be purchased, guess what they all smell like.

In initial acceleration.

Try a long road trip with both, and then jump to conclusions. Tell me about the finish, materials, handling, ride quality, and then compare it.

Why was this remotely worthy of mention? I’m a big fan of Tesla (and Bentley, too), but everyone knows that electric vehicles benefit from instant torque and will spank all but the most insane ICE-powered vehicles in acceleration.