I’ve said this before but fuck it, it needs to be said again and again until people get the message. I will die on this hill.
I’ve said this before but fuck it, it needs to be said again and again until people get the message. I will die on this hill.
There’s this current of underlying self-awareness to a lot of the present-era AVClub’s clickbait that leaves me unsure if the author is rolling their eyes and laughing or barely able to see the screen through their tears.
Yeah remember when it made Roseanne racist?
It’s amazing what you can do with good eating, relaxation and lying about cosmetic surgery
Amazing how often “good for the economy” is opposite of “good for consumers”.
Where would people get this idea???
It’s one of those shows like Brickleberry that thinks being ribald is enough to count as being funny, and it’s not enough.
Do you expect everyone to use your criteria for whether to see a movie?
BD-1 is the best Star Wars droid. I will die on this hill.
“He’s got an offer they can’t refuse... a WACKY offer! The Sopranos, this fall on HBO! Don’t you dare fuggedaboutit!”
As is customary with the Horizon series, they plan to release this the week before a much more anticipated multiplayer game.
I enjoyed it, but it was pretty clear that it was cut way down from something bigger to make its release, and the pacing and character development suffer for it.
The pre-order bonuses indicate that we may actually get more than ponchos this time around.
Hey, say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed Hitler.
If Kim doesn’t have significant personal security already, I’d be shocked. And I’m pretty sure she already changed the locks.
Yeah, let’s blame the woman for the man’s Hitler praise.
It would be kind of funny if Kanye did this to get out of his deal to buy Parler.
I was very confused for a moment. I thought you were talking about the winner of the first season of Survivor.
The Nick Frost pawn shop owner scenes had the definite feel of reshoots added to increase humor. They were divorced from the main plot, he was uncredited, and they showcased him and her holding dual guns for the trailer. (SPOILER: This is the last image of her in the film.)