Much of the social and economic change that was promised was in fact directly blocked by Republicans for little reason than “our new mission is to make Obama look like shit.” They even admitted to this!
Much of the social and economic change that was promised was in fact directly blocked by Republicans for little reason than “our new mission is to make Obama look like shit.” They even admitted to this!
As a middle age, middle class white guy, I am horrified by tonight’s events. Not surprised because I am aware of how truly ignorant the average American is on how government actually functions (“I will upend the ‘establishment’ by voting in all incumbents! That will show that do nothing Congress!”). Having said…
Yeah, who else we’re they going to nominate? Bernie would have been ground into dust once they set their sights on him. The GOP game him a free pass in the primaries because they wanted him to weaken Clinton. But a socialist who honeymooned in the Soviet Union? He would have been killed.
No, fuck you for pushing that “both cadidates are bad” nonsense. That’s why we’re in this situation.
NO. Sorry, but no. This is not Hillary Clintons fault. This is the fault of the people who voted for Donald Trump in spite of every monstrous thing he’s said and done for the past 50 years, and of anyone who didn’t take it seriously or thought it couldn’t happen. This is the fault of anyone who doesn’t know shit about…
Look no further than my home state Florida... Johnson is getting 200+k votes while Hillary is losing by less than 140+k votes as I type this. I am seething at the holier-than-thou, protest-voting pieces of shit that can’t or refuse to realize that voting for leader of the free world is not picking your bff but…
I have a lot of foolish friends who support him as the #NotHillary, stick-with-the-party vote. They are assuredly foolish, but not terrible people. And I pity them because they’re so misguided.
I was so not prepared for this. Not even remotely ready. You know where my head was at four hours ago? I was on cloud nine about going on alt-right Twitter and witnessing the meltdown with their conspiracy theories and blaming the Jews. Now this is real. I can’t stomach this shit.
I bet the protester’s head exploded when he was able to unironically say, “Thanks Obama!”
Yeah, because Saga definitely hasn’t been hyped on the internet enough. There’s a character in Marvel comics you might like named Squirrel Girl.
He was the best of teens, he was the worst of teens
He’s the hero we deserve, but oh god what’s going on in this class that makes us need him right now?
This is a classic case of trying to impress pre parent-teacher meeting.
The most unrealistic thing which gives it away right from the start, is the idea of anyone that obsessed with Slender Man having a girl friend for that long.
Nintendo is as quilty of selling same shit over and over as any other company, they dont get any free passes on the shit they do only cause they happen to be nintendo
And it would’ve been the most pirated game EVER.
“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”
If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. That’s like going on Twitter on a Sunday night and complaining about Game of Thrones spoilers.
I’m just glad it sounds like he’s staying in the race because the GOP needs to be forced to fucking own this.