
Great freaking call.  His body language is 100% Garfield (stiff shoulders, body turn)

Man...I imagine this is how I would feel if they remade FFVI...

“It’s not enough that the Houston Rockets have to whine that they lost Game 1 because the refs didn’t take their signature gaming of the “landing zone” rule as seriously as usual”

Yo dawg I heard you like whining so I made a whiny article about whiners whining because I’m just like the rest of the goddamned internet and have no sense of personal irony. Calling people “whiners” on the internet is the modern equivalent of “Get off my lawn”.

“But it is now definitely true that the best possible course of events has the Clippers upsetting the Warriors and then punking the shit out of the bizarrely road-weary and overconfident Rockets in the second round.”

They’ve been stronger contenders more frequently than OKC...

Seriously fuck people like you.  The game is amazingly fun and there’s no feature they promised that wasn’t delivered.  If you didn’t expect bugs you’ve likely not spent enough time playing Bethesda games.  They’re fixing the biggest things people like you bitch about in relatively short order yet you are still

It’s hard not to read your examples as a contextual change the kids had no control over. So either you are wrong and are just wrong or you are right and it has nothing to do with the children.

It’s not simply how you vote it’s also who you vote for. No matter which one of us is correct about Bernie costing Clinton the election she is capable of Trumpian evil, if you will - wars and all. She may not have raped Broddrick but she knew about it and tried to bury it and that’s not much better than the act

Trump supporter not backing the blue...I’m not sure how I should be outraged about this.

High road or high horse? Ends or means? Context be damned right? I’m not saying Clinton would have been worse than Trump - you keep putting those words in other people’s mouths based on your views and assumptions by extension. I’m not even saying you’re conclusion is wrong. I’m saying you’re a hypocrite and blaming

This is the trend in all sports games - console or mobile. It’s why people like me stopped buying them altogether.

Juanita Braddock’s case makes you and people like you fucking hypocrites. But sure let’s pretend like it’s people who couldn’t deny their conscious are the problem instead of, you know, the actual goddamn people doing horrible shit.

Dude you are raging...also asshole is one word.  

What about Luhnow’s comments implying guilt? Nobody is denying this except people standing on principle. That’s fair and makes sense but that doesn’t change the fact all the flags in this case are red.  That matters.  I’m not saying crucify the guy but let the ink dry on chance one before starting the drum beat for a

See I didn’t. My dumb shit at 17 was shouting at the mall easter bunny he wasnt real and giving the security guards escorting me from the mall shit.

Dude go read your comment history...You’re some sort of reverse troll where you say semi-controversial things then justify them by being an asshole or playing the latino/gay card...Are you okay?

Never forget this represents less than 20% of the US population and if people bother to show up and vote this can never happen again...

That’s fair but understand this is how you come across to anyone who feels like Bungie is screwing over it’s fans. Hard for us not to feel like you’re giving really bad advice to people when you encourage them to invest in the dumpster fire Destiny has been. Most people exposed to the game agree Bungie has built 2

Enjoy and play the game all you want. Please don’t try and convince anyone else to shell out more money or that anything they do is priced reasonably. They have take quite a bit of my money and while that’s my own choice, responsibility and decision I also reserve the right to share my opinion what Bungie has done